More than a quarter of the world's adults don't move enough

By Sam Downing|

How Australia's physical activity ranks against the world

To stay at peak health, adults are recommended to accumulate at least 150 minutes physical activity at a moderate intensity every week.

That's only about 2.5 percent of your waking hours — yet more than a quarter of adults around the world (1.4 billion people) failed to meet the target in 2016, according to a grim World Health Organisation (WHO) study published in The Lancet.

Physical activity — which includes all everyday movement, not just exercise — lowers the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, some forms of cancer and dementia, and improves mental health and weight control. So it's pretty worrying so many people don't move enough.

The new paper also indicates humankind's physical activity levels haven't budged since 2001, despite initiatives led by WHO and national governments to lift them.

“Unlike other major global health risks, levels of insufficient physical activity are not falling worldwide, on average," warned the study’s lead author, WHO's Dr Regina Guthold, in a statement.

High-income Western countries are particularly inactive, perhaps because of a trend towards more sedentary jobs and pastimes, and a higher reliance on vehicles to get around.

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Out of 168 countries ranked in the report on their levels of physical activity, Australia came in at a pretty shabby 97th place: 30 percent of adults here don't meet physical activity targets.

Overall, Australian women are less physically active than Australian men — which reflects worldwide trends.

"This study shows that the message about the importance of physical activity still isn’t getting through to many Australians, and there is much room for improvement,” said the Heart Foundation’s spokesperson on physical activity, Adjunct Professor Trevor Shilton, in a comment.

"It is vitally important that we take notice of this research, because physical inactivity is a risk factor for heart disease, which continues to be the leading killer of Australians."

FYI, according to the study the most inactive country is Kuwait — 67 percent of adults fail to meet the physical activity target. The lowest countries are Uganda and Mozambique, where 6 percent don't meet it.

READ NEXT: How to move more: A slow and steady guide to increasing your physical activity

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