5 exercises for stronger bones

By Katherine Scott|

Staying active is essential for a healthy heart, but when it comes to bone health not all exercises are created equal, according to a new study

Staying active is essential for a healthy heart, but when it comes to bone health not all exercises are created equal, according to a new study.

Deakin University research has found "moderate impact weight-bearing exercises" are the most important for boosting bone strength, as well as for decreasing the risk of falls and fractures among the over-sixty set.

According to Professor Robin Daly, who led the Deakin research, examples of these bone-boosting exercises include:

  • Step-ups 
  • Jumping from side to side
  • Skipping 
  • Hopping
  • Strength and power training, when paired with the above exercises

Daly, a professor of exercise and ageing at Deakin University, said it's not gaining big muscles that will improve bone health, but activities that "promote an increase in muscle power — or the ability to produce force rapidly".

"Exercise programs incorporating a diverse range of weight-bearing activities, in combination with higher-speed strength training, are likely to be more effective in slowing bone deterioration and improving ... speed and mobility," Daly said in a press release.

The current physical activity recommendations for older Australians suggest doing 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity a day, but tend to favour lower-impact exercises, including walking, gardening or swimming.

But walking alone offers little osteogenic benefits, Professor Daly said.

"While any form of physical activity is better than none for improving overall health, not all exercise is equal when it comes to stronger bones," Professor Daly said.

Recent figures from the Ostelin Movement Index show that one in five older Australians aren't doing any form of regular exercise, which could have a big impact on their bone health.

The findings suggest Aussies could benefits from a more targeted set of national exercise guidelines with a larger emphasis on bone health, with 6.3 million Australians suffering low bone density according to figures from Osteoporosis Australia.

"It's imperative that we act now to raise greater awareness of the seriousness of the condition which impacts millions of Australians and reinforce the simple steps we all can take encourage proactive bone health management," Daly said.

This study was published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

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