Eating chocolate

Computer brain-training could program you to resist junk food, study finds

By Sam Downing|

We've all been struck by the impulse to eat a tasty treat, and had to summon our willpower to defy it — then ended up eating it anyway.

Food cues are all around us, and this ubiquity is probably contributing to the population's rising weight: in Australia, two-thirds of adults are overweight.

Resisting these cues might not be a matter of boosting willpower, but instead dampening the impulses to eat.

"If there is no impulse to resist in the first place, healthy eating becomes automatic and does not require much willpower," observed Matthias Aulbach, a doctoral candidate from the University of Helsinki.

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Aulbach is the first author of a review analysing 30 earlier studies, which each tested different kinds of computer brain-training tasks designed to reduce unhealthy eating behaviours. The research suggests that these kinds of tasks really can alter implicit processes — actions you do without deliberately intending to, like eating a cookie just because it's there.

"This could mean that [study participants] had to refrain from responding at all [to food images] or push a computer joystick to imitate pushing food away from themselves," said Aulbach in a statement.

"After some time of practice, they consumed less unhealthy food than a control group that had done a similar task."

Aulbach's review suggested that the task with the greatest potential to change dietary behaviours is a type called a Go/No-Go task. Basically, these involve depicting a stimulus and asking players to respond as fast as possible depending on another cue — for example, a food image might be surrounded by a green (go) or red (no-go) frame. (Click here to try a simple Go/No-Go task.)

By repeating these tasks, your brain learns to link unhealthy food stimuli with stopping instead of going — preventing you from unthinkingly eating them.

"There was also some evidence that this leads to participants liking the foods in question less than they had before," Aulbach added.

Because existing studies were mostly conducted on young, mostly female people with a normal-range body mass index, it's not clear whether these computer tasks work for everyone — or how well they work outside a laboratory, or over the long term.

Aulbach hopes to explore those questions in future studies, and potentially develop smartphone apps that could train you to resist snacks.

The study is published in Health Psychology Review.

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