How to fix your callused, gross, crusty gym hands

By Kimberly Gillan|

Hold enough heavy things and you might notice your palms getting a little... crusty. Here's how to fix them.

Even if your hard-won hand calluses are a source of pride, there's no denying that when they scab and bleed it's pretty gross — not to mention that holding your loved ones' hand with roughed-up palms is not always desirable.

Dermatologist Dr Leona Yip says calluses occur when the superficial layer of skin, called the stratum corneum, thickens in response to repetitive friction and pressure.

"Calluses are like a 'shield' of thickened protective skin," she told Coach.

"I view calluses as one of the skin's protective mechanisms to prevent micro-injury to deeper structures where there is repetitive micro-trauma."

So what to do if you want to keep up your weights routine while keeping your mitts baby soft?

Start with a good moisturiser.

"Use it liberally as often as you can," Dr Yip says.

"This is an essential part of callus management that is often overlooked."

Go for one that's a bit greasy, because Dr Yip says it will "lock" moisture in to keep hands softer for longer and subsequently ease the pressure the weights are putting on the calluses.

Coach editor Sam Downing's gross palms

If your calluses are particularly big or rough, you could try to pare them back with a pumice stone in the shower.

"It's easier to pare when the skin is wet as it is softer," Dr Yip says.

"There are also salicylic acid-based over-the-counter treatments you can purchase from the pharmacy, which can chemically thin down the calluses. If these don't work, consider seeing a doctor to get a prescription for stronger treatments."

Avoid picking at them, as not only can the habit become compulsive (and socially undesirable), but Dr Yip says you'll make the calluses worse.

"The skin peels more with picking so it may make the calluses look more cosmetically visible and the overlying skin dry and lackluster," she says

"Picking can also make the callus look red, painful or fissured."

If they've turned into blisters, Dr Yip says you should apply moisturiser to them.

"If the blisters are tense or painful, you may break them with a sterile needle to let the fluid out for comfort, but don't peel the skin off as this may increase the risk of infection," she says.

Going forward, wearing gloves at the gym will prevent further thickening and new callouses from developing.

Or you can just rock your rough hands with your head held high.

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