Five summer foods packed with hidden sugar

By Katherine Scott|

While a lot of the foods we eat contain naturally occurring sugars, like fruit and dairy, it's those pesky added sugars that are at the core of many health and weight issues.

The World Health Organization recommends no more than six teaspoons of the sweet stuff a day, but the average Aussie consumes about 14 spoonfuls of added sugar — this adds up to about 22 kilos a year.

To make matters worse, there are around 42 different names for sugar featured on the back of food labels, making the task to avoiding them even trickier, according to dietitian and health expert Dr Joanna McMillan.

"Often what we see is several different sugars being used [in packaged foods], and you read this long paragraph of ingredients and often there's about five different forms of sugar in there — and that really all adds up."

Different names for sugar on food labels
Different names for sugar on food labels (Today)

So what food and drinks in particular should we be watching out for?

Today calls on Dr McMillan to take us through five different foods to watch out for over summer.

Vanilla yoghurt (150g serve)


Dairy products do contain natural sugars, but many yoghurt products are heaving with added sugars, too.

A 150g serve of a popular flavoured yoghurt can up your daily sugar amount by 2.3 teaspoons.

"I've deliberately chosen a vanilla yoghurt, so we don't have any fresh fruit in there... If you chose natural yoghurt — so if you bear in mind our thing for the day is six — you choose a nautral Greek yoghurt instead of the sweetened one you've already saved 2.3 [grams]."

Added sugar: 2.3 grams

Iced coffee (500ml serve)

Iced coffee

As the weather gets warmer Down Under, it's tempting to switch up your caffeine habit to a cold brew. But consider yourself warned; a small bottle of iced coffee will zap up your entire daily sugar allowance (six teaspoons) in one sitting.

"There is a difference of course between brands, but that's an average brand — one of the most popular brans — it's got six teaspoonfuls."

Added sugar: 6 teaspoons

Barbecue sauce (15ml serve)

Barbecue sauce

There's no denying it, it's barbecue season again. But if you're one to slather on the barbecue sauce at gatherings then you may want to rethink that.

"A serve should only be 15 mills, but I know lots of people who do more."

"There's 1.6 [grams of sugar per serve], so in that tiny amount of sauce you've got 1.6 teaspoonfuls."

Added sugar: 1.6 teaspoons

Apricot Delights (8 pieces per serve)

Apriocot Delights snack

Fruit features naturally occurring sugars that aren't associated with any health ill effects, however the same can't be said for certain products containing real fruit, such as this popular Apricot Delights snack.

"A lot of people think these are a healthy lolly. [There are] four teaspoonfuls [of added sugar] in that tiny amount of the Apriocot Delights."

Added sugar: 4 teaspoons

Tonic water (300mls serve)

Tonic water

Who doesn't love a G&T in the summertime? However, Dr McMillan warns that this popular mixer is a source of great confusion for many.

"You might be having a sneaky little pre-dinner drink. It is 6.1 [teaspoons of sugar per serve].

"I thought I'd choose tonic because I think people get a little confused between soda water and tonic water. So soda water is not sweetened, but your tonic water does have a lot of sugar."

Added sugar: 6.1 teaspoons

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17 sauces packed with way more sugar than you think

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