Milk on trial

By Kimberly Gillan|

"Milk, do you swear to tell the whole truth..."
Some accuse milk of being bad for us. Others say it's vital for good health. What's the verdict?

We grew up inundated with health messages about the importance of milk for calcium and strong bones, but in recent years the white stuff has dropped in popularity.

Paleos shun it, arguing milk is insulin-promoting, that lactose is not well tolerated by most people because we haven't evolved to consume it – not to mention the fact that we're the only mammals who drink another animal's milk and.  

Meanwhile Swedish research suggests that rather than strengthening bones, drinking 600ml of milk a day actually increased women's chances of suffering a fracture, and may also have increased people's risk of early death.

But at the same time, the Australian Dietary Guidelines recommend we have two to four serves of dairy a day and experts say that milk could be the ideal post-workout snack for helping muscle recovery, thanks to its protein and carbohydrates.

So where does that leave us? We asked three nutrition experts for their take on milk and whether we should be drinking it or not.

The dietitian


Kara Landau, the Travelling Dietitian, told ninemsn Coach that milk can be a great post-workout snack and has many valuable nutrients.

"Besides providing both slow release carbohydrates and proteins, milk is also a dense source of bone strengthening nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D," she says.

"It also offers valuable nutrients such as B12 for red blood cell formation, heart and brain-healthy omega 3 fatty acids, and even the antioxidant selenium."

But Landau says milk is not the only source of these nutrients. So rather than viewing it as an essential stand-alone food, she says it's worth thinking of it as a "vehicle" for helping you consume other vitamin-rich foods.

"You could prepare an antioxidant-packed fresh fruit smoothie or add it to a cup of matcha tea to create a latte-style drink," she says.

Landau says that milk does cause a spike in insulin, which is not beneficial for our overall metabolic health or weight management, so she recommends consuming it thoughtfully.

"I personally use a small amount daily, but I also use nut-based milks regularly," she says.

"But simply switching to a non-dairy based milk and assuming it is 'healthier' is not entirely correct – rice-based milk has a high glycemic index, and many nut or grain based milks have additives and preservatives that can aggravate our gut health."

RELATED: What you need to know before  substituting almond, rice and soy milk for dairy

The accredited nutritionist

Accredited nutritionist Lucinda Hancock, CEO of Nutrition Australia Vic Division, told ninemsn Coach that she's a big fan of milk for people who don't have a milk allergy.

"Milk, yoghurt and cheese are very nutritious as they are a great source of calcium, protein and eight other important vitamins and minerals," she says.

"Not only is calcium necessary for bone health, but consuming dairy is associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and is an important part of a balanced diet."

Hancock is concerned that most Australians aren't getting the government recommended two to four serves of dairy a day.

"This is especially important for teenagers who have a window of opportunity to build maximum bone strength by around the age of 20, which is why they have high calcium requirements," she says.  

"Older adults also have high calcium requirements to slow down the loss of bone strength as we age."

As for the idea that humans haven't evolved to drink milk, Hancock says that most Australians can tolerate it.

"Around a third of the world’s population has evolved to develop a genetic mutation that allows us to produce lactase, the enzyme that breaks down lactose," she says.

"That’s as high as 80 percent among people of European descent, but very low among Asian and African population."

RELATED: Top dairy-free food swaps

The naturopath


Emma Tippett, naturopath at Empowered Health, told ninemsn Coach that some people find high dairy consumption aggravates bloating, asthma, eczema and mucous production, and can lead to behavioural disorders.

"Where there is an immune response to the milk protein – lactose intolerance – then I would suggest they try to find other sources of the nutrients you might be getting through the dairy," she says.

Tippett says it's important to note that we're all biochemically individual so what suits one person might not suit another.

"Some people might find small amounts of a good-quality milk might be okay," she says.

If you are going to drink milk, Tippett recommends organic, full-cream milk.

"That means the cows have been grass fed without using hormones or chemicals so the quality of the milk is going to be different to cow's milk from cows fed with processed foods or grains," she says.

"Whatever is going to be inflammatory to the cow is going to come through the milk."

Tippett also points out milk is not the only source of calcium.

"Studies have shown that the bio-availability of calcium in milk to be in question in terms of how much we actually absorb," she says.

"There's 305mg of calcium in a cup of milk, 100mg of calcium in a cup of chopped kale and 240mg in 100g of almonds."

So what's the verdict?

If you're not lactose intolerant, drinking milk seems to be fine – but the consensus seems to be that you don't want to drink it by the bucketload.

You might get calcium from milk but there are plenty of other natural sources so maximise your intake of fresh vegetables and nuts and if you love milk, then go ahead and enjoy it too.

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