The power of self monitoring for weight loss results, dietitian Susie Burrell explains

By Susie Burrell|

When was the last time you checked your weight, or measured your waist? Or, made a note of everything you ate or drank in a day?

In recent years there has been some push back to focusing too much on weight, or calorie intake as for some there can be a risk it drives disordered eating behaviour and promotes restrictive dieting.

While there are pros and cons associated with self-monitoring weight and food intake as an obsessive pursuit, new research from CSIRO has shown that when it comes to weight loss, there are clear benefits associated with keeping an eye on both your body weight and your food and exercise program.

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Diet meal plan
There are pros and cons associated with self-monitoring weight and food intake. (iStock)

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The study of more than 6000 followers of the CSIRO Total Wellbeing Diet, found that more than 64 per cent of participants lost a significant amount of weight during the 12 week program.

But those who lost more than 10 per cent of their weight were more likely to view menu plans; use a food diary and were likely to be monitoring their weight on a weekly basis.

The simple act of maintaining self-awareness of one's weight, and food intake can significantly impact weight loss goals in a positive way.

So, what it is about self-monitoring that is so powerful when it comes to weight loss and how can you ensure that your attempts do not do more harm than good?

What is self-monitoring?

Self-monitoring in the context of diet and exercise is the act of observing or using technology to record behaviours or data that can then be used to guide and direct behaviour to facilitate goal achievement.

Self-monitoring may include regularly taking a body weight or measurement, keeping a food diary to become more mindful about daily food decisions, or tracking your daily number of steps using a pedometer or fitness app to ensure you reach your daily step targets.

Using a smart watch to track things like steps is a form of self-monitoring. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Why is self-monitoring so powerful?

Not only does self-monitoring ensure that an individual retains agency over their daily food and exercise choices, but in busy lives, many of our daily behaviours, including what we put into your mouths and how much we move our body, is performed on autocue. Active self-monitoring brings mindful awareness to our daily behaviours so that we can make better decisions that are more aligned with the goals we have for ourselves.

The key to using self-monitoring in a way that is helpful, rather than a punishment.

How can you use self-monitoring successfully?

The key to using self-monitoring in a way that is helpful, rather than a punishment is to ensure that it is helping you to achieve your goals, rather than feeling as if you are a naughty children being forced to complete homework. For example, rather than using a food diary and feeling guilty about your food choices, reframing it as a tool to see how hungry you are when you reach for food, means that you are using the diary to gain insight into what drives your eating behaviour.

The same can be said for exercise. Rather than feeling that tracking your steps is a punishment, reframe it as a novel way to look for ways to become more active in your working day. Once you can see self-monitoring as a useful source of data, it can be used to direct your energy towards achieving your goals.

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A food diary used well can help you understand your eating behaviour. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

When can self-monitoring be harmful?

For anyone who has had a long history of dieting, or disordered eating, then weighing in, or recording calorie or food intake can be triggering and not the best choice of self-monitoring tools.

The good news is that there are many ways to self-monitoring that can avoid triggers such as the scales, or calorie counters.

Using self-monitoring successfully is about finding the right tools for you. For example, you may prefer to measure your waist rather than record your weight, or keep a hunger diary rather than a food diary.

Self-monitoring is not a punishment, merely a tool that can help you to become more aware of habits, behaviours and feelings so you can make adjustments in the direction of the goals you have for yourself.

Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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