How to improve your health in 30 days

By Team Coach|

Sound advice from Dr. Oz as we enter silly season

Doctor and TV personality Mehmet Cengiz Öz, professionally known as Dr. Oz, stopped by TODAY Extra to share some simple healthy lifestyle changes to improve your wellbeing in as little as 30 days — and the advice is worth adopting if you want to get the most out of post-lockdown living.

High blood pressure and cholesterol, and COVID kilos are all health concerns many Australians face, and according to Dr. Oz there are clever ways to limit their impact on your lifestyle and kick unwanted weight to the curb.

Depending on your preference and heath concern, eating plans, like the DASH Diet, intermittent fasting and the Mediterranean diet have shown to be the best ways to lose weight, along with increasing your output with regular exercise. Partnering a more conscious approach to healthy eating with quality sleep a reduced alcohol intake are extra ways Dr. Oz recommends kickstarting a healthier life.

Watch the video above for even more tips to notice a significant improvement to your health in a month.

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