
Will eating breakfast help you lose weight? ...maybe

By Sam Downing|

Breakfast has been touted as the most important meal of the day for more than 100 years — a line infamously popularised by cereal manufacturers to guilt mums into buying their products.

Yet a balanced breakfast can have many upsides for both adults and children: it delivers nutrients, provides energy to start the day, and may improve cognition and mood.

The summary of the Australian Dietary Guidelines also suggests eating a healthy breakfast under its tips to maintain a healthy weight, in line with other public health guidance around the world.

But while those trying to lose weight are routinely told to eat breakfast, a new study in the journal BMJ suggests it may not be a useful strategy after all.

RELATED: Breakfast on trial

The study's authors, from Monash University in Melbourne, analysed breakfast data collected from 13 randomised controlled trials (which are hailed as the gold standard of science — though, like breakfast, RCTs don't always live up to their reputation).

Conducted mostly on obese people from the US or UK over the last several decades, those 13 trials looked at the links between eating (or skipping) breakfast and body weight, and how breakfast impacted total daily energy intake.

"We found that those who ate breakfast tended to eat about 260 extra calories per day more and on average gain 0.44kg," said the paper's co-author Flavia Cicuttini, a Monash professor of clinical epidemiology.

"Importantly, there was no evidence for improved metabolism in those who ate breakfast or that they were less likely to overeat later in the day," she told Coach.

RELATED: The great breakfast debate: Should you skip the first meal?

However, the study's authors stress that the quality of the evidence is low — the results of the 13 trials differed wildly, and may not generalise to everyone — so their finding should be "interpreted with caution".

Cicuttini said the study's message isn't that anyone should start skipping breakfast to lose weight. Rather, it's that breakfast probably isn't the magic weight-loss solution it's sometimes made out to be, so it shouldn't be prescribed to everyone.

"If a person likes to eat breakfast, that is fine… there is no reason to change," she said. "However there is no evidence that we should be encouraging people to change their eat pattern to include breakfast in order to prevent weight gain or obesity.

"People need to work out what suits them," she said. "We can conclude that modification of diets to include consumption of breakfast might not be a good strategy for weight loss. Interestingly we found this to be the case regardless of established breakfast habit."

RELATED: To eat breakfast or not to eat breakfast? That is the (surprisingly hard-to-answer) question

While several studies have linked lower body weight to frequent breakfast consumption, King’s College London professor Tim Spector noted such research is "flawed by bias".

"Observational studies have shown that obese and diabetic people skipped meals more often than thin people," he wrote in a linked BMJ opinion article, which was republished on The Conversation.

"People [in these studies] who skipped breakfast were more likely on average to be poorer, less educated, less healthy, and to have a generally poorer diet. Overweight people were more likely to diet and, after a binge, more likely to feel guilty and skip a meal."

To put that another way, you might as well argue that having more money and education makes you more likely to be slim — not the act of eating breakfast.

Spector also noted the growing popularity and scientific weight behind time-restricted eating, a form of intermittent fasting where adherents limit their food intake to a particular window of time every day — those on the 16:8 diet, for example, fast for 16 consecutive hours every 24 hours, and eat all their meals within the remaining eight.

It's common for people on such protocols to break their fasts at lunchtime, regularly skipping breakfast and finishing their day's feeding with dinner at about 8pm.

However, Spector (himself a breakfast eater) acknowledged that time-restricted feeding is a "young discipline" that may only prove effective for "certain people".

(It's also unclear what time of day is "best" for time-restricted feeding. Some research indicates optimum health outcomes if you open the eating window early in the day and close it early in the day — so time-restricted eaters may not be better off skipping breakfast. As is usually the case, further research is needed.)

But Spector ultimately agreed with Cicuttini's conclusion: "No 'one size fits all'," he said.

"Prescriptive, slow-moving diet guidelines filled with erroneous information look increasingly counterproductive and detract from important health messages. While waiting for guidelines to change, no harm can be done in trying out your own personal experiments in skipping breakfast."

RELATED: Putting a time limit on when you eat could benefit your health and weight

That all makes a simple meal of breakfast seem astoundingly complicated. But ultimately, a better question than when should I eat is what foods should I eat, and in what quantities?

Skipping breakfast won't do your weight — or overall health — much good if you're eating outsized and/or not-so-nutritious lunches and dinners, and snacking throughout the day.

Eating breakfast won't make you slim if you're knocking back a bowl of sugar disguised as cereal, or a full English (which can tally at 800-1000 calories, far above the 200-400 in a serving of cereal). And nor will opting for avocado, rolled oats and other healthy breakfast options help if they're supersized portions.

READ NEXT: Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper: The truth behind the weight-loss wisdom

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