Why you can't stop late-night snacking

By Kimberly Gillan|


Ever wondered why you can easily stick to your health resolves in daylight hours, but as soon as the sun goes down, your cravings can't be satisfied?

Ever wondered why you can easily stick to your health resolves in daylight hours, but as soon as the sun goes down, your cravings can't be satisfied?

Well, you can thank your brain's wiring for that, according to US researchers who have discovered we're less satisfied by food at night, which is why we keep going back for more.

The team from Brigham Young University scanned people's brains when looking at 360 different images of food both during the day and at night.

The images varied between healthy foods, like vegetables and fish, and common cravings like lollies, ice-cream and deep-fried food.

They found that our brain's reward centre lights up brighter when we're looking at foods in the day, which suggests we feel more satisfied by them when the sun is up.

But come night, the rewards centre response is much more dull, which is why we keep going back for more.

"You might over-consume at night because food is not as rewarding, at least visually, at that time of day," lead author Travis Masterson, told The Huffington Post.

"You eat more to try to get satisfied."

The researchers are yet to work out why food seems so much less satisfying at night — it's tricky to understand the physiological benefit of eating more at night – but they think it might have something to do with our circadian rhythms.

For now, they think exercising a bit of "mind over matter" next time you're ravenous right before bed.

"Being aware that you are being more influenced visually in the morning and perhaps are being less satisfied by food at night may help you to make small but meaningful changes in your eating habits," Masterson says.

So next time you're reaching for your fifth Tim Tam, remind yourself that your brain is just playing tricks and see if that'll help you stick to your healthy eating plan.

The study was published in the journal <i>Brain Imaging and Behaviour</i>.

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