Soy milk

Soy milk on trial

By Kimberly Gillan|

There are few things as polarising as soy milk – people either hail it as a longevity-boosting superfood or cower away, convinced it causes cancer. So does it make for a healthy alternative to cow's milk?

Experts weigh in to find out whether we can keep enjoying our soy chai – because let's be honest, it tastes far superior to any made with cow's milk.

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The background

Soy milk is made by soaking and grinding whole soybeans, boiling them in water, then straining out the solid leftovers.

It's often then fortified with calcium to give it a similar nutritional profile to dairy milk – that is, a good source of fat and protein – making it an often-recommended alternative for people with cow's milk allergy or intolerance.

"Before soy was demonised, it was a bit of a fashion – people thought it was the bee's knees," fertility dietitian Melanie McGrice tells Coach.

"Some people started taking soy supplements for all sorts of health reasons and that's how they found some of the problems with soy."

The oestrogen concerns

The big concerns people have about soy milk – or soy "juice" as McGrice calls it, given it’s not technically a milk – tend to centre around the fact it is rich in isoflavones, which are plant-based oestrogens that can mimic the human body's oestrogen.

Some studies have suggested soy products could stimulate breast cancer growth, lower fertility and affect thyroid function, but when you look closely, such studies tend to be conducted in animals who were given far more soy extract than humans would ever consume.

"You would have to have a serious amount for it to be impacting your oestrogen levels," McGrice says.

"A lot of people don't realise that our body fat has a far greater impact on our oestrogen levels. Sometimes you'll find that women who have excess body fat will be producing too much oestrogen."

McGrice says that the latest research shows soy drinkers do not have a greater risk of breast cancer, even in those who have had breast cancer before and therefore have a higher risk of getting it again.

"The guidelines say that you don't have to cut out soy juice or soy products – you just need to have them in moderation if you have an increased breast cancer risk," McGrice says.

"So no more than one to two serves a day – you might have a small soy latte and a bit of tofu through a salad."

As for fertility, McGrice says that one or two serves would not have an effect.

"Soy juice can be a really nutritious drink – it has all of the essential amino acids," she says.

"The worry comes from people who are having super high levels, taking soy supplements or isoflavone supplements – that's where the concern starts to lie."

Soy milk may alter the effectiveness of thyroid medication, however, with people generally advised to wait four hours after taking thyroid medication before consuming soy products.

Is it a healthy alternative for kids?

Unfortunately a cow's milk protein allergy often goes hand-in-hand with a soy protein allergy, meaning sufferers can't have either.

"If a child is diagnosed with a cow's milk protein allergy, the first thing to try is calcium-fortified soy milk because the protein and the soy milk profile is the most similar to cow's milk," Natasha Murray, accredited practising dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitian's Association of Australia, tells Coach.

If your child is deemed allergic to both, paediatric dietitian Hanan Saleh says it's worth working with a paediatric dietitian to ensure your child is meeting all of their nutrition requirements.

"Soy is a good product, which contains a good amount of healthy fats and protein that we need for growing children," she tells Coach.

"If you were to compare it to rice milk or almond milk or coconut milk, they're unfortunately more like filtered water with a little bit of added stuff."

As for babies under 12 months old, Saleh says paediatric dietitians usually suggest avoiding soy milk formulas for babies with cow's milk protein allergies, opting instead for a rice or prescription formula.

"If the mum is not able to breastfeed for whatever reason or is using something as a top-up for a child who has been diagnosed with a cow's milk protein intolerance, there is a lot of evidence against using soy as an option," she says.

"Soy protein-based formulae should only be used in specified circumstances because they may have nutritional disadvantages and contain high concentrations of phytate, aluminium, and phytoestrogens, the long-term effects of which are unknown."

Over the age of one, Saleh says soy milk can form part of a child's balanced diet.

The verdict: Have your soy

If you don't have an allergy or thyroid issue and are over the age of one, then soy milk can be an excellent addition to the diet.

"Just look at Japan – they have a really high soy intake and there is not an increased rate of cancer," Murray says.

"In fact, it may actually reduce the rates of cancer."

As for fertility, one study found that it might increase women's chances of conception given soy milk drinkers on fertility treatment had lower traces of the chemical bisphenol A (BPA) in their urine, and were more likely to fall pregnant.

Another study review suggests one to two servings of soy products per day is fine for women's fertility, but more than 16 cups per day could be detrimental.

If pushed to choose a favourite between dairy and soy in terms of health benefits, McGrice says she'd probably choose dairy — but insists it's not because soy is dangerous.

"I would go for cow's milk because it's naturally higher in calcium," she says.

Ultimately, Murray says that having small amounts of lots of different foods is usually the best way to go.

"Drink it because you enjoy the flavour and you enjoy the taste – some smoothies and teas are better with soy because cow's milk is too heavy," she says.

"Soy has a very good nutritional profile – just make sure you choose one that is calcium-fortified."

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