The light from your smartphone is (still) really bad for your sleep

By Sam Downing|

How bad is using your smartphone right before bedtime? According to a new study: it's really bad.

How bad is using your smartphone right before bedtime? Some researchers say it’s really bad, while others say it’s not as bad as you think — and the latest study has come down on the “it’s really bad” side.

The reason your smartphone ruins your sleep is basically because your body is a big dumb machine that still thinks it’s living in caveman times.

Back in those days the sun would set and your body, sensing darkness, would release the sleep hormone melatonin. At sunrise, sensing bright light (via photoreceptors in your eyes called intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells), your body would block melatonin to wake you up.

Nowadays, bright artificial light — like the comforting glow of your phone — more or less tricks your body into thinking it’s daytime all the time, keeping you alert instead of sending you off to sleep.

New research from the University of Houston (UH) has determined that wearing glasses which block blue light (the kind that signals your body to stay awake) in the three hours before bedtime boosts night-time melatonin levels by 58 percent.

Participants in the study, published in the journal Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, also reported better sleep, fell asleep faster, and slept an average 24 minutes more a night.

“The most important takeaway is that blue light at night time really does decrease sleep quality,” said Dr Lisa Ostrin, the UH College of Optometry assistant professor who lead the study, in a statement.

“By using blue-blocking glasses we are decreasing input to the photoreceptors, so we can improve sleep and still continue to use our devices,” she said. “That’s nice, because we can still be productive at night.”

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In addition to wearing glasses that filter out blue light (which might make you look like Bono), Ostrin recommended using screen filters, activating your smartphone’s night-time mode, and simply limiting your exposure to your phone (and other sources of blue light) at night.

On the plus side, exposure to that bright blue light in the morning is a great way to wake yourself up… the perfect excuse to spend a few minutes lying in bed scrolling through Facebook before you drag yourself up.

RELATED: Bright light after sleep is the simple secret to feeling more alert and less stressed at work

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