The science behind HIIT workouts for weight loss

By Team Coach|

High-intensity training is tough — but this is why it's worth the extra effort

The verdict is in: high intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts are more efficient than cardio or strength training for weight loss.

But how do they work?

This research will help you understand what makes HIIT worth the effort – and how to maximise your next workout.

RELATED: Why you should try high-intensity interval training — even if you think you'll hate it

What’s HIIT?

High-intensity interval training requires mixing intense bursts of exercise with short periods of rest or light work (like walking or jogging — sometimes dubbed active recovery). During your intervals, your heart rate should reach 80 percent of your maximum. 

But how intense is intense? One way to gauge the intensity of a workout is to think about whether or not you could chat with a friend. During HIIT, you should be working out hard enough that you have difficulty speaking.

RELATED: Low, moderate and high-intensity exercise: how to tell the difference

Be warned: this is what makes HIIT workouts such a challenge. While the intensity creates an effective workout in a shorter period of time, it can feel tough when you’re in the moment.

That doesn’t mean it’s not worth it, though. According to a study from the University of British Columbia, participants who compared HIIT regimens to traditional cardio reported enjoying HIIT, even if they found the exercises themselves difficult.

The other good news? You’ll only have to log a few HIIT workouts per week to maximise their fat-burning potential. 

One study conducted by a team at The University of Western Ontario discovered that participants who conducted treadmill sprints several times per week lost more fat than participants who performed regular steady-state cardio workouts.

To reap the fat-burning effects of HIIT, aim to work out for at least 20 to 30 minutes per session, three days per week.

The benefits of HIIT workouts

Because HIIT sessions are only 20 minutes long, they’ve become a favourite workout for athletes who are short on time. You get an incredibly effective workout – even though you’re not logging endless miles on the treadmill.

“Studies have shown that with HIIT there is a dramatic improvement in exercise performance despite the low training volume,” Beth Sheehan, a professional practice advisor for Exercise and Sports Science Australia, explained to Coach

“Many people report significant health benefits such as weight loss, improved muscular strength and overall improvement in aerobic fitness compared to longer sustained workouts,” she added. 

If you’re hearing buzz about HIIT as an effective weight loss method, it’s likely because of the “afterburn effect.” 

High-intensity training deprives muscles of oxygen much more quickly than regular cardio. This forces your body to burn more fuel during the muscle repair process, long after your workout is over. 

The overall effect? A revved-up metabolism that can help contribute to weight loss.

"High-intensity training has been shown to improve your insulin sensitivity, which controls the amount of glucose your body's cells can take," Nigel Stepto, an associate professor of physiology at Victoria University, explained to Coach.

"Even six hours after a strenuous session your metabolism is still primed to process fuel you put into your body," he added.

There are other benefits, too. According to reporting from Dr. Axe, high-intensity interval training has been shown to help balance the hormones that lead to weight gain, including ghrelin and leptin. 

HIIT also helps you make greater gains in muscle endurance, meaning you can get in shape (and potentially see results) faster than with other kinds of workouts. If you’re a runner, for example, regular HIIT workouts can help improve your performance because the intervals improve oxygen intake.

Worried about HIIT’s effectiveness compared to your regular cardio or strength workout? There’s data on that, too, according to Todd Astorino, a kinesiology professor at California State University San Marcos.

“We now have more than 10 years of data showing HIIT yields pretty much the exact same health and fitness benefits as long-term aerobic exercise, and in some groups or populations, it works better than traditional aerobic exercise,” Astorino explained to TIME.

How to get started with HIIT

Want to jump right into a HIIT workout the next time you hit the gym? 

You can accomplish a lot with bodyweight exercises, an interval timer, and a positive attitude (you’re going to need it for when your legs start to feel like jelly).

In this beginner exercise from Daily Burn, for example, you alternate sets of boxing jabs with sumo squats and jumping jacks to get your heart rate pumping and your muscles aching.

Need a low-impact version to protect your knees? This 10-minute circuit from Shape combines runner’s lunges, plank twists, and squat kicks for a super-powered sweat sesh.

As always, pay attention to your body when training at maximum intensity, and remember to take water breaks during and after your workout to stay hydrated. 

It’s easy to overdo it during a HIIT workout, so train with a group or a certified personal trainer. This will ensure that you’re mastering your moves and getting the most out of your workout – all while preventing injury.

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