Rubbing dirt bacteria onto our skin could be the best way to keep clean

By Kimberly Gillan|


Most of us have one or two showers a day, lathering ourselves in perfumed shampoos and body washes in a bid to smell fresh and eliminate bacteria from our skin.

Most of us have one or two showers a day, lathering ourselves in perfumed shampoos and body washes in a bid to smell fresh and eliminate bacteria from our skin.

But a US biotech start-up believes that cultivating skin bacteria by applying a mist that contains bacteria cultivated from dirt could actually be a better deodoriser and could boost our immune system at the same time.

AOBiome have developed a product called AO+ Refreshing Cosmetic Mist, which looks, feels and tastes like water, but contains billions of cultivated Nitrosomonas eutropha, an ammonia-oxidising bacteria (AOB) that is found in dirt and untreated water.

The researchers believe that before shampoo and soap became part of our daily rituals, these bacteria lived on our skin and worked as a natural cleanser, deodorant and immunity booster by feeding on our sweat and turning it into nitrite and nitric oxide.

New York Times writer Julia Scott was involved in a four-week study that required her to spray her face, scalp and body twice a day with the bacteria spray.

She stopped using all soaps and deodorants and each week, scientists tested the bacteria levels on her skin.

She asked her friends how she smelled and for the most part they said she smelled normal, but her hair became increasingly greasy.

As time went on, her bacteria colony increased, but she admitted she felt increasingly self-conscious about her body odour.

"I kept my arms pinned to my sides, unless someone volunteered to smell my armpit. One friend detected the smell of onions. Another caught a whiff of 'pleasant pot'," she wrote.

"When I visited the gym, I followed AOBiome’s instructions, misting myself before leaving the house and again when I came home. The results: After letting the spray dry on my skin, I smelled better. Not odorless, but not as bad as I would have ordinarily. And, oddly, my feet didn’t smell at all."

Jamie Heywood, AOBiome's chairman, only uses soap twice a month and shampoos three times a year, while David Whitlock, the chemical engineer who invented AO+ has not showered for the past 12 years, apart from the occasional wipe down to remove grime. Scott met both men and said neither smelled bad or looked dirty.

Whitlock first had the AO+ idea when he thought about the fact horses bathe in dirt to manage their perspiration in summer – he wondered if bacteria in the dirt fed off sweat.

He gathered dirt samples from a horse stable and extracted the bacteria and cultivated it then started his own human experiment.

By the end of her involvement in the four-week study, Scott said her skin was noticeably softer and her complexion was clear.

"For the first time ever, my pores seemed to shrink. As I took my morning “shower” — a three-minute rinse in a bathroom devoid of hygiene products — I remembered all the antibiotics I took as a teenager to quell my acne. How funny it would be if adding bacteria were the answer all along," she said.

Scott's now reluctant to go back to her usual beauty product routine.

"In the end, I tipped most of my products into the trash and purchased a basic soap and a fragrance-free shampoo with a short list of easily pronounceable ingredients," she said.

"Then I enjoyed a very long shower, hoping my robust biofilm would hang on tight.

AOBiome believe that manipulating the hidden organisms on our skin could have profound medical possibilities.

AOBiome are now in the process of applying for an application with the Food and Drug Administration to test concentrated forms of AOB for use in skin conditions and diabetic ulcers.

Source: New York Times Author: Kimberly Gillan, Approving editor: Lachlan Williams

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