The brutal training schedule of cricketing star Holly Ferling

By Stuart Marsh|

Here's what it takes to match it with the best.

Cricket training doesn't exactly inspire warrior-like images of athletes sweating it out in the gym, but the demands placed on the players of the all-new WBBL would make even the most fervent of gym rats think twice.

As up-and-coming Brisbane Heat fast bowler and Milo Champ Squad coach Holly Ferling told Coach, the days where cricket training meant a few lazy nets sessions and a lap around the oval are well and truly over.

"I’m training approximately four-plus hours a day on top of meetings with coaches, sports psychologists and nutritionists," Ferling tells Coach.

"Skills such as batting, bowling and fielding take many hours of practice to make sure that I’m at the top of my game."

For Ferling – who is now a professional athlete focusing on cricket full-time – the demands of the game have reached such a high point that training every day is now a necessity to compete with the best.

"Playing competitive cricket has played a momentous part of my upbringing: the early starts, the long hours, hard training sessions, then backed up by study during the day. At times it can be hard, however, I couldn’t imagine my life any other way!" says Ferling.

"However, it has also taught me many life lessons. I try to be the very best I can at everything I do, so time management is always key for me."

It's just as well Ferling is on top of her routine, because anybody except a professional athlete would find it hard to juggle multiple gym and cardio sessions a week on top of her team training.

"As you can imagine fitness is a key component when competing as a professional athlete. My training regime required me to be in the gym three times a week for one to two-hour strength sessions," explains Ferling.

"My cardio requirements change weekly, depending on the week’s cricket training demands, but it usually ends up being two to three times a week.

"On top of that, I have an individual rehabilitation program that I need to complete to ensure that I strengthen my physical weaknesses – in particular my elbow."


From long hours endlessly bowling balls in the nets to brutal gym sessions to strengthen and injury-proof her body, Ferling attributes much of her success to her attitude.

"Like every sport, cricket has its ups and downs– it isn’t always smooth sailing," explains Ferling.

"Similar to life, cricket has its consequences for performance, including injuries. All I can do is control what I can, believe in myself, my abilities, enjoy what I do as the rest will all take care of itself.

"It’s taken me a while to learn this, and it is something that I am still always learning."

Ferling's mindset, coupled with her commitment to training, has seen her race up the rankings of women's cricket – a feat she wishes will be made easier for girls in the future.

"My advice to young girls dreaming of becoming a professional cricketer is to get out there and have a go!" says Ferling.

"Before I joined my first Milo junior cricket program and my first club with all of the boys, I would never have thought I’d end up playing for the Australian team.

"The advice I always give is to always enjoy the sport you play and make it fun. The higher up you get professionally, the more serious and sometimes stressful it gets.

"At the professional level, I think the most critical thing to success is sometimes forgotten – that we play sport because it is fun."

Seven out of 10 Aussie kids are not getting the recommended 60 minutes of physical activity each day, which is why Holly has partnered with David Warner as part of the MILO Champ Squad program to get kids more active in 2017.

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How to train like a Super Netball player

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