Greek and natural yoghurts have the least sugar — and organic has among the highest

By Sam Downing|

The best kinds to buy for your health

Yoghurt is good for you — but you need to choose the right kind, or you and your family might end up eating more sugar than you intended.

Less than 10 percent of the yoghurt sold in major British supermarkets is low in sugar, meaning it contains less than 5g sugar per 100g.

That's according to an analysis published in BMJ Open, which probed the sugar content of more than 900 brands of yoghurt (offerings not so different to those in Australian supermarkets).

Natural, Greek and Greek-style yoghurts proved to have the lowest sugar, averaging 5g per 100g. (These yoghurts were also found to have a far higher protein count.)

Flavoured yoghurt, fruit yoghurt and yoghurts marketed specifically to children had more than double the sugar content, averaging about 11.5g per 100g between them.

And beware organic yoghurts: while the O-word makes consumers perceive these as healthier and lower-calorie, the report found these to have 13g sugar per 100g — the second highest average sugar content after dessert yoghurts (16g sugar per 100g).

"While there is good evidence that yogurt can be beneficial to health, products on the market vary widely in nutrient content," said the study's lead author, University of Leeds nutritionist Dr Bernadette Moore, in a statement.

"Our study highlights the challenges and mixed messages that come from the marketing and packaging of yogurt products."

Study co-author Dr Barbara Fielding, a nutrition scientist from the University of Surrey, said health-conscious parents need to choose yoghurt carefully for their children.

"In the UK, on average, children eat more yoghurt than adults, with children under three years old eating the most. It can be a great source of protein, calcium, and vitamin B12," she said.

"However, we found that in many of the yoghurt products marketed towards children, a single serving could contain close to half of a child's recommended daily maximum sugar intake."

The researchers noted that the confusion over whether yoghurt is good for you stems over confusion over the difference between natural sugar and added sugar.

Natural sugar is the sugar naturally present in a food — in yoghurt (and other dairy products) it's mostly a type of sugar called lactose. You can pretty much eat as much natural sugar as you like.

Added sugar is the sugar added to a food by its manufacturer (and they often add much more than you expect). The World Health Organisation recommends capping your daily added sugar at about 25g for maximum benefits to your health and your teeth.

In both Britain and Australia, the nutrition information panel on a food's packaging only lists straight-up sugar — it doesn't split out natural and added sugar, which makes it tough to choose more nutritious options. (Sidenote: the Australian government is looking to change this.)

The paper noted that many adults and children might eat yoghurt thinking it's a health food, when it could be an "unrecognised source" of added sugar.

If you're used to thinking of yoghurt as a sweet treat, you may find it hard to adjust to the far-more-sour taste of natural and Greek varieties — which is produced by the probiotic microorganisms in them.

"Changing the public desire for 'sweeter' yoghurts may be a real challenge when it comes to reducing its sugar content," noted study co-author Annabelle Horti.

"Helping people to understand the quantity of sugar that is in their yoghurt and its possible ill effects on health may go a long way to smoothing the road for when the sugar is reduced."

READ NEXT: The tubs of yoghurt with more sugar than a bowl of ice-cream

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