A healthy chef's sweet, sweet guide to sweeteners

By Luke Hines|

Presenter and author of The Fast Low-Carb Kickstar Plan Luke Hines breaks down the sweet stuff.

As you guys know I love a sweet treat, and I have designed the recipes in my new book The Fast Low-Carb Kickstart Plan to support you on your low-carb journey. All the ingredients in my recipes will help you stay on track.

If you scrawl through the recipes, you'll notice I use a number of my favourite sweeteners and you can choose the one that best fits with your personal plan. There are some that contain a moderate amount of carbohydrates and these can be used mindfully if you are taking a low-carb approach, and others that contain low to no carbohydrates and don't spike your blood sugar levels in any way, so these are great if you're sticking to a keto or very low-carb approach.

Luke Hines

Monk fruit sweetener (syrup and granules)

Monk fruit sweetener is made from a fruit resembling a small green melon. The sweetness comes from naturally occurring chemical compounds known as mogrosides. These are extracted and turned into either 100% powdered monk fruit or pure monk fruit syrup.

It has no effect on blood sugar levels and is extremely sweet. It has a slight aftertaste and only needs to be used in very small quantities. While 100% pure monk fruit sweetener is available, I prefer a blend of monk fruit and erythritol, which is a sugar alcohol that has no effect on blood sugar. I think this blend tastes better in sweet treats.

Note: when monk fruit is listed in the recipes from my cookbook, I've used Lakanto monk fruit sweetener, which is a blend of monk fruit and erythritol. I find this works best as a syrup, but it can also be found in granules and used in the same quantities as the syrup. It is available from health food stores, some supermarkets and online, but if you can't source it, please use the chart below for the best alternatives.

Green leaf stevia

Commonly known as the 'sugar leaf', stevia is a herb with a leaf that is 200–300 times sweeter than sugar. It contains no calories and is available in liquid, powder and tablets.

Some brands add other artificial sweeteners so make sure you check the ingredients when purchasing. You only need to use a tiny amount and some brands can leave a slightly bitter aftertaste, so try a few and see which one you prefer.

Freeze-dried berries

Berries are the most nutritious and lowest in starchy carbs of all fruits. You can find freeze-dried berries and berry powders without additives in good health food stores.

They make a fantastic sweetener in smoothies, raw desserts and baked goods and they add beautiful flavour to dishes. When used to decorate desserts, whole or crushed freeze-dried berries look spectacular. Freeze-dried raspberries are my favourite.

Coconut sugar

Coconut sugar comes from coconut palm blossom. It has a slightly caramel taste and smell, making it a fantastic ingredient for baking. It is rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium and zinc, and its sugar content is made up mostly of sucrose, which is half fructose and half glucose. When looking for a healthy sweetener this is important because the lower the fructose content the better, as excessive consumption of fructose can be addictive and lead to hormonal imbalance.

Pancakes with maple syrup and blueberries
Surprising fact: pure maple syrup can be nutritious in moderation. (iStock)

Pure maple syrup

Pure maple syrup is made from evaporated maple tree sap. It is high in magnesium and zinc, which is important for immune system function, and is rich in calcium, B vitamins and antioxidants. Some might be surprised that I recommend maple syrup in low-carb recipes, but when used in small amounts it is a good sugar alternative. Enjoy it in moderation.

Raw honey

Unfiltered raw honey is one of the most nutrient dense of natural sweeteners. It is different from the types usually found in supermarkets. In conventional processing many of the essential nutrients are destroyed during pasteurisation and heating, so it is worth making the extra effort to find it in its most natural state. The glycaemic index rating of honey can vary depending on the botanical source – different blossoms make honey of varying sweetness. Because it is relatively high in arbohydrates, I recommend using honey in moderation when following my kickstart plan.


Use this chart to help you substitute sugar for other healthier sweeteners.

Healthy sugar conversion chart
(The Fast Low-Carb Kickstar Plan by Luke Hines)

The article is an excerpt from The Fast Low-Carb Kickstart Plan by Luke Hines (Plum), available from February 28, 2020 for RRP $26.99.

The Fast Low-Carb Kickstart Plan by Luke Hines

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