8 foods nutritionists want you to eat less of

By Erin Van Der Meer|

Gradually start to remove these foods from your diet and you're guaranteed better health, say leading dietitians.

Dietitians tell us again and again that cutting out specific foods from your diet completely (unless you have an allergy or medical reason to do so) more often leads to bingeing.

Almost anything can be enjoyed in moderation on occasion – it’s all about balance.

With that in mind, we asked some leading Australian dietitians to tell us the foods they’d like to see people reduce their consumption of to improve their health.


Meat is something Australians eat way more of than we need,” Lauren McGuckin, accredited practising dietitian and spokesperson for the Dietitians Association of Australia, told Coach.

“The average Aussie consumes approximately 93kg of meat per year, more than three times the worldwide average of 30kg per person, per year.

“Eating too much red meat, in particular beef, lamb and veal is linked with colorectal cancer.”

So how much meat is a healthy amount to eat?

“The recommended raw weight serving for all kinds of meat including beef, veal, pork, chicken, and kangaroo according to the Australian Dietary Guidelines is roughly 100g, and 115g raw weight for fish.

“Aim for no more than two servings of red meat and two to three serves of chicken a week, and try to include at least two serves of oily fish.”

Diet soft drink

Ali Patterson, accredited practising dietitian and advanced sports dietitian, would like to see Australians reaching for something other than diet soft drink when thirsty.

“They offer very little in terms of nutrients, and unfortunately are often used to suppress hunger or boost energy levels when eating nutritious food will fix both of these situations,” Patterson told Coach.

The case against artificial sweeteners and diet soft drink continues to grow – new research from the University of Sydney is just the latest study to argue that drinking artificial sweeteners makes people eat more, possibly because artificial sweeteners mess up how your brain processes what you're eating.

RELATED: Diet soft drinks no better for weight loss than the regular kind, study finds

White bread (and some brown breads)

We know white bread is higher in processed carbohydrates and sugar, and lower in nutritional value than other breads. But it turns out not all brown breads are created equal, and some are still high GI and don’t offer much more benefit than white.

“White and some brown breads provide minimal digestive or gut health benefits,” Kara Landau, gut health expert, dietitian and founder of Travelling Dietitian, told Coach.

“They are lacking in adequate amounts of prebiotic dietary fibre and resistant starch, two key nutrients people should look for when selecting carbohydrate dense foods.”

Pick a bread that is dense, dark, seeded and with a list of ingredients you can actually understand: it should list yeast, flour, salt, seeds and not much more.

“I strongly recommend people switch to a dense, seeded bread that is either of a wholegrain nature, or made from a mix of nutrient dense flours such as almond flour, lupin flour or green banana flour,” Landau suggests.

RELATED: Brown bread is better than white bread, right? For you, maybe not

Turkish bread

Landau isn’t the only dietitian stressing the importance of choosing the right bread.

Susie Burrell, author and founder of the Shape Me program, says Turkish bread should only be consumed rarely, if ever.

“One piece of Turkish bread is the equivalent of three to four regular slices of bread,” Burrell told Coach.

“It normally comes in a large serving size, has holes readily filled with butter or margarine, and large amounts of white flour giving it its high GI and carb load.”

‘Health’ products with high amounts of added sugar

Landau has noticed a rise in seemingly healthy packaged snacks that are basically sugar bombs waiting to go off (and put you on a mood and energy rollercoaster).

“So many ‘natural’ products that are marketed as healthy are absolutely loaded with added sugars,” Landau said.

“If the first or second ingredient is derived from dates, date paste, honey, maple syrup, coconut nectar, coconut sugar, brown rice syrup, or anything that is predominantly sugar, choose something else or only consume a very small portion.”

When choosing a pre-packaged snack, look for one densely packed with healthy fats, protein and prebiotic dietary fiber coming from nuts, seeds, and prebiotic fiber sweeteners such as isomolto-oligosaccarides.”

RELATED: Added sugar is hiding in even more foods than you think

Dried fruit

We’re often advised to reach for dried fruits like apricots or dates as a nutritious snack choice, but they should only be eaten in small serves, Burrell explains.

“Dried fruit are a concentrated source of sugars – an average box of sultanas contains as much carbohydrate or sugar as two pieces of regular fruit.”

One banana and just six dried apricots are both around 400 kilojoules, but the banana is the better choice as it offers more fibre, and is more filling.

“For this reason, fresh fruit is always much better than any processed varieties.”

It’s easy to overeat sultanas or dried apricots, so divide them into portioned serves and only keep one at a time in your handbag, desk or car.

RELATED: 10 healthy foods that are crazy high in sugar

Soy sauce

Soy sauce makes Asian dishes and many other meals taste delicious.

But Burrell warns it should be used sparingly due to the high sodium content.

“It’s packed full of salt,” Burrell warned.

Don’t have soy sauce every day, and measure how much you’re adding to meals.

RELATED: Salt overload: 18 surprisingly high-sodium foods


In devastating news for cheese lovers, McGuckin says Australians tend to consume far bigger portions of it in one sitting than is healthy.

But you can still have your beloved brie, cheddar, blue or gouda… just not too much.

“Many people don’t realise that a serving of cheese is only 40g – about the size of a regular matchbox.

“When cutting it straight from the block or wheel, it’s easy to get carried away and before you know it half of it is gone – especially when a nice Cab Sauv is involved!

“Most hard cheeses are extremely energy (calorie/kilojoule) dense and high in fat, particularly saturated fat as they are an animal-based product, so those watching their weight/cholesterol levels should stick to the recommended serving sizes.”

RELATED: The health-conscious guide to choosing cheese

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