Six winter strategies to get fit and strong for summer

By Sam Downing|

Summer bodies are built in winter — so here's how to get building.

It’s cold, so you’ve probably turned to comfort food and ditched your workout routine to curl up under a blanket — which means that, when the weather warms up again, there’ll be the annual frantic scramble to lose those extra couple of kilos you gained over winter.

But you can avoid that scramble if, instead of hibernating all winter, you use it as an opportunity to get fit and strong for summer.

“It's a well-known saying in the fitness industry that summer bodies are made in winter — and let me tell you it’s true!” Sydney personal trainer Jakub Halata tells Coach.

“If you follow a few easy tips — no crazy dieting, I promise — to start changing your lifestyle now, in time for you to get that enviable summer body.”

RELATED: How to start your summer body in winter

Consistency and planning 

Halata says this is his “absolute number one” rule over winter… and, let’s be honest, it’s not a bad one to follow at any time of year.

“Start planning your weekly meals in advance to avoid being stuck and ordering some 'bad food' because you’re busy — something we can all relate to,” he says.

Not only will this maintain that consistency, it’ll also help keep you accountable. (Click here for advice on how to join the mealprep bandwagon.)

“I recommend keeping a food journal as well,” adds Halata, which you can either do with good old pen and paper or with an app like MyFitnessPal. “You wouldn't believe all the little 'extras' that you don't realise you are putting in your mouth!”


“Don't underestimate how sleep can help you achieve fat loss,” Halata says.

This is backed up by a lot of research proving that not getting enough sleep is a quick path to weight gain. There are several reasons for this, which mostly come down to how poor sleep disrupts your hormones: it raises the hunger hormone ghrelin, which controls appetite, and the stress hormone cortisol.

“This puts you in fight-or-flight mode, telling your body to hold onto its fat,” explains Halata. “Not to mention your brain function and immunity will also benefit from eight hours or more of sleep every night.” 

RELATED: Better sleep could be the easiest way to lose weight and eat healthier


In a 2016 study, researchers from Virginia Tech found that people who drank a hefty 500ml of water half an hour before meals lost significantly more weight than people on a calorie-controlled diet — largely because all that water filled them up. 
“Water won't only help with fat loss, but your skin will love you more for it during the colder months as many people experience dryness and an increase in those bad spots we hate called pimples,” says Halata.

He adds that water has one big advantage over soft drinks, coffee and tea. “Water is practically free — so no excuses!”

RELATED: The simplest weight loss trick of all: drink water before eating

Quit (or cut back on) booze

Halata highly recommends either an alcohol-free period (if you’re already doing Dry July, kudos) or limiting your intake during winter.

“If you’re anything like me and enjoy those Aussie summer days sipping some ice-cold beers or cocktails, then now is the time to detoxify your body, recharge, and give it some much-needed rest,” he says.

“This will increase your chances of fat loss and help you to create a healthier habit by the time the summer comes.” 

RELATED: How long you need to quit alcohol to start losing weight and sleeping better

When it comes to food, follow the 'If God made it’ rule

This one is simple: as much as possible, stick to foods that are as minimally processed as possible, as opposed to stuff that's been cunningly manufactured to be as moreish as possible.

“Avoid foods that come in packets that have hidden nasties, and fill up your plate with fresh veggies, healthy fats and carbs, and lean meats,” says Halata. (Click here for examples of healthy fats, and here for examples of healthy carbs.)

“Soup is one of my staples in winter,” says Halata.

Structured training with goals

This is another strategy that’s good to follow all year around — but it’s especially valuable in winter, when relying on a solid routine will help motivate you to train on those cold, wet days.

“Don't just go to the gym, pick up a few weights and leave,” Halata says. “Have a goal, keep it in mind and set up a start and end training plan.

“Depending on your current lifestyle and needs there are different approaches to your specific fat-loss goals,” he says. “But as a general rule, a weight-training plan and high-intensity interval training-style workouts will boost your metabolism and accelerate your fat loss.” 

He says these strategies can all be applied to anyone’s workouts. “There’s no super-strict plain chicken and broccoli needed here, just a consistent goal-based approach,” he says.

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