Olivia Vivian splashes out of Australian Ninja Warrior: 'I hope I made women proud'

By Sam Downing|

'It was so humbling having that support'

Olivia Vivian's journey to Mt Midoriyama has ended.

Australian Ninja Warrior's last woman left standing splashed out in stage one of the grand finals on the Rumbling Dice — an obstacle in which contenders must hang from 22kg frames then "roll" them across rungs to proceed.

Vivian came unstuck when the first of the two dice slipped off its rungs and she was unable to jump across to the second, leaving her supporters in the crowd in tears.

Vivian tells Coach her splash-out taught her an important lesson: expect the unexpected on the Ninja Warrior course.

"When we were going over the course [before the finals], someone asked what happens if it [the dice] comes off the rails," she explains. "The [production assistant] said, 'Don't worry about it, it'll never happen'. So I mentally didn't prepare for that circumstance.

"When it came off the rungs I thought it'd come down on top of me. It's very heavy. I didn't feel safe and I tried to get off," she says.

"You have to treat every single obstacle with respect. The moment you think something is too easy, that's the obstacle that will take you out."

The Rumbling Dice was the seventh of nine obstacles in stage one of the finals, and Vivian made light work of the preceding ones — including the Ring Jump, Warped Wall and Broken Bridge, which is the obstacle she feared would topple her.

"I have concrete feet," she says. "I'm not very good at running light on my feet."

As the only female ninja left in the competition, Vivian said she was initially disappointed to be out of the competition because "I felt like I had the weight of the women to carry".

"Part of me feels like I've let people down but ... I went out and gave it 100 percent," says the 28-year-old, an Olympic gymnast, thanking her supporters both in the Ninja Warrior crowd and among the production team.

"It was so humbling having that support, not just from females but males," she says. "Ultimately I hope I made them proud."

Vivian, who competed in Ninja Warrior's first season but failed to make it up the 4.2m-high Warped Wall, is set on returning a third time — and has a goal to make it to Mt Midoriyama, a 22m vertical rope climb and the final obstacle on the course.

"As much as I hope my being in the grand final has inspired other women, it's also inspired me, with the belief I can totally go further," she says. 

"[Next year] I'll make sure I don't overlook an obstacle because someone says it's going to be fine. Prepare for everything, any circumstance."

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