5-move workout: HIIT cardio in 20 minutes

By Sam Downing|

High-intensity interval training is beloved by the fitness world for delivering fast results in minimum time.

"High intensity" sounds formidable, but intensity is all relative: any HIIT workout is about pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone. If it hurts, goodthat means you're doing it right.

RELATED: Before you try a HIIT workout, ask yourself this question

This HIIT workout circuit has five moves, and for each move there's an easy exercise option and a hard exercise option — choose the one that suits your fitness ability.

After you've warmed up do each exercise for 40 seconds, take a 20-second break, then move onto the next one. Once you've finished all five, take a 60-second break (if needed), then repeat the whole circuit at least four times. Download an interval timer app on your phone to keep track on the timing.

Exercise 1

Easy: Marching on spot. As you march, get your knees up as high as possible and swing your arms as you "walk". Find a tempo you can aim to hold for the whole 40-second interval, and don't slow down.

Hard: High knees. Start in a light jog. Lean back a little to brace your core (kind of like someone is about to jab you in the stomach). Use your core to throw your knees up past the line of your hips, and swing your arms to work your upper body too. If you're up to it, sprint as fast as you can — especially on the final lap in the circuit.

Exercise 2

Easy: Seal jack — step side-to-side. Start standing upright and step out to the side with your left leg, bending your right knee as you do. Step back in and stand upright, then repeat on the other side. As you step in and out, your arms open and close in front of you — keep them straight and level with your shoulders.

Hard: Seal jack. This is similar to a traditional jumping jack, but your arms come in front of you instead of overhead. Keep your arms straight and level with your shoulders to hold the tension in them, and make each movement short and sharp.

Exercise 3

Easy: Mountain climber — slow. Start in a high push-up position, making sure your shoulders are stacked directly over your wrists and your arms are perpendicular to the floor. (This is important!) Bring one knee into your chest, without letting your hips rise in the air — your body stays flat from your shoulders to your ankles. Alternate legs, choosing a pace you can hold for the whole 40-second interval.

Hard: Mountain climber — sprint. Same as above, but pick up the pace to as fast as you can maintain.

Exercise 4

Easy:  Ice skater — with foot tap. Start with two feet together and jump to the side off one foot. Bend your knee to "catch" your weight in your glutes (they're the muscles in your butt) as you land. As you land, your other foot taps the floor lightly for balance. That foot then jumps back to the side to repeat the movement. 

Hard: Ice skater — no foot tap. Same as above, but without tapping your back foot to the floor — making it more important to properly catch your bodyweight in your glutes. To mix this one up, work on jumping as far across as you can on one set; on the next set, work on jumping as high as you can.

Exercise 5

Easy: Low-impact burpee. Start in a standing position and squat down, bring your hands to the floor and step each of your feet back until you're in a high push-up position. Depending on your ability level, add in a push-up here — do it from your knees to make it easier, if you need to. Step each of your feet back in between your hands, then stand up. That's one burpee.

Hard: Burpee. Aah, the dreaded burpee. Start in a standing position and squat down, bring your hands to the floor and jumping back with your feet at the same time. You're now in a high push-up position — the perfect place to do a push-up. (You can lower your knees to the floor to make the push-up easier, if need be.) Reverse the movement pattern to come back to standing — that's one burpee. Count how many you do in the first 40-second set, then try to beat it each set.

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