Why women should try ninja-style training: 'You have nothing to lose'

By Sam Downing|

What to expect from your first class.


If you're uninspired by cardio classes, bored of yoga or have no idea what to do with a dumbbell, ditch the gym and try ninja-style training.

It's not just for boys, as proven by the record-setting women — including Andrea Hah, Betsy Burnett and Olivia Vivian — on the second year of Australian Ninja Warrior.

Clem Vertigan is head coach at The Compound, a ninja and obstacle training facility in Melbourne, and he tells Coach about half the enquiries from prospective members come from women of all ages.

"I think women have been inspired by the success of the women [on Australian Ninja Warrior] this year," he tells Coach, highlighting Linda Buttigieg — the oldest female contender at 53, and a frequent visitor to The Compound (alongside fellow ninja including Ashlin Herbert and Georgia Bonora).

"She got through [to the semifinals] and showed it's doable," he says. "She wasn't that far from finishing, which is pretty inspirational."

Ninja-style training offers a bit of everything: a full-body workout that hones speed, agility, strength, endurance, movement, balance and more.

"To me it's an all-over test for your body and what you can get out of it and what it can do," Vertigan explains.

The gender split at The Compound is about 60 percent men to 40 percent women, with a lower proportion of females competing in the facility's monthly competitions. Vertigan believes some women might be put off because they can't do a pull-up, which is (in general) a tougher skill for women to master than men.

RELATED: How to do a pull-up: Australian Ninja Warrior contender’s five steps

However, he stresses that pull-up ability — or immense upper-body strength overall — isn't needed for either sex to excel at ninja-style obstacles.

"My girlfriend can maybe two chin-ups, but she can do the salmon ladder," Vertigan says — the salmon ladder being among the harder obstacles on show in the Ninja Warrior semifinals, and one of the most popular challenges at the Compound.

And don't be worried that you'll fail miserably at one of the ninja obstacles you've seen on TV and be laughed out a ninja gym. All the Australian Ninja Warrior competitors stress what a supportive training environment it is, and Vertigan says he's proud to have fostered such a culture at his facilities.

"Everyone is ready to give encouragement and congratulate someone for completing something at their level," he says. "At any level you're at, everyone celebrates a win."

If you need more convincing to try ninja training, just ask some of the women who've blitzed Australian Ninja Warrior.

"Trying ninja training completely changed my life," says Olivia Vivian, who's the only woman through to the grand final (so far). "Before I tried itI hated exercise. The thought of a class or even yoga made me cringe."

Vivian, a regular at the Ninja Academy in Perth, praises the team atmosphere.

"It's a community like no other, she tells Coach. "When you get something you never thought you could, it gives you an incredible sensation of achievement and builds your self-belief."


Betsy Burnett, another of the six women to top the Warped Wall in the heats, intensified her ninja-style training for Ninja Warrior's second year, and agrees it's a fantastic way to get fit.

"There's so much support in those gyms," she tells Coach. "Everyone wants everyone to do really well. It's really inspiring."

"Any woman thinking 'should I, shouldn't I' — just give it a try," Vivian concludes. "You have nothing to lose."

Australian Ninja Warrior airs on Nine on Sunday and continues on Monday and Tuesday nights.

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