'Helps with those winter blues': The benefits of Pilates in colder weather

By Nadia Scurria|

From Lady Gaga to Miley Cyrus, reformer pilates has a long list of famous fans to its name – and it's not hard to see why.

According to the lead trainer of KX Pilates here in Australia, Amie Skinner, it's an "exercise of discipline".

"It essentially works on strengthening the body and creating symmetry in the body, which is really good for prevention of injuries," she tells 9Honey.

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KX Pilates focuses on reformer pilates rather than floor pilates. (Supplied)

Skinner says pilates is a way to strengthen our bodies both physically and mentally, saying it's holistic to support general strength and the "use and abuse" we put our bodies through.

It's also about working from the inside out – essentially from the core – as it's a way to provide stability and inner strength rather than superficial strength. 

Ultimately, Skinner says, Pilates differs tremendously from other forms of exercise. For starters, it's supervised.

"Especially at KX, all of our instructors are trained, they're exercise professionals in their own right and then they also go through our intense training course prior to working," she says.

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All KX pilates classes are supervised by trained professionals. (Supplied)

When it comes to taking care of our bodies, some may feel intimidated by the thought of heading to the gym or working out at home by themselves.

However, Skinner says Pilates an inclusive form of exercise.

"With KX, with the group classes, it's about community," Skinner says, adding the company has opened its 100th studio in Australia.

"There's that feeling of being connected and belonging to a community that is a big thing to KX, and an ethos of ours is changed lives for the better, and we really do believe and want to do that for people." 

Skinner says there are numerous benefits of pilates, particularly over autumn and winter.

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Pilates is a great exercise for both men and women. (Supplied Nine)

"I would say, above all, it's all the mental wellness," she says.

"Over the winter months, people tend to hibernate more, it's dark, it's a bit rainy and it can really lower your mood emotionally."

While it might be easier to sit on the couch under a blanket and watch Netflix when it's dark and stormy, pilates can be a way to get your body moving and reap the emotional and physical benefits.

"Pilates can help those winter blues to keep you focused and gives you a reason to get up in the morning," Skinner says.

"Go do a 6am or 7am class, it'll keep you disciplined and you'll still be getting that buzz as well.

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Sleeping woman
When it's cold and rainy, sometimes the last thing you want to do it get up and exercise. But Pilates is worth a go. (iStock)

"Pilates is famously known for the endorphin benefits and the hormonal benefits and it's even more important in winter when we're lacking Vitamin D and it's so tempting to stay in when it's cold and rainy outside."

Exercising in a group, rather than alone, can also give you a sense of community and it's a fun way to work out with friends – and even make some new ones.

"I think it's a one-stop shop," Skinner says.

"Every class can be different and there's thousands of exercises you can do on a reformer. You can track your progress as you go along and without technology, too."

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