Sleep tips: Here's how to get over jet lag faster

By Sam Downing|

After a couple of years of closed borders, many Australians are once again discovering the joys of international travel – and the miseries.

Lucky tourists might avoid cancelled flights and lost baggage, but there's something that's almost impossible to avoid: jet lag.

Jet lag is one of those very modern problems caused by human technology leaping ahead of human biology. Over millions of years, we evolved body clocks set by the rise and fall of the sun – so when we flit halfway across the Earth where the sun rises and falls at a new time, we end up wide awake at 3am and deathly tired at 3pm.

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Jet lag causing you to be awake in the middle of the night?

What causes jet lag?

"We're biological beings that have been developed on this planet that has a 24-hour cycle," specialist sleep physician Dr David Cunnington tells 9Honey. "Start changing where you sit in relationship to the sun, and there's a desynchrony that's there for a while until it re-calibrates."

How long jet lag lasts depends on how "well entrained" your body clock is to a particular time zone. Cunnington says those with "weak" body clocks adapt quickly to new sleep schedules, while others can take several days to get back in sync.

And you don't have to fly long distances to be afflicted by jet lag – even small jumps in time can have big impacts.

"A nice example of that is daylight saving – we think, 'It's only an hour, don't worry about that'," says Cunnington, pointing out that the twice-yearly switch is linked to poor health outcomes for some people.

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How to prevent jet lag

Cunnington is clear that it's basically impossible to avoid jet lag entirely, but there are tools that can help the internal body clock get back in sync with the external world faster.

"Light's the most powerful of those," he says. Exposing yourself to as much sunlight as possible in your new destination will trigger your brain to readjust to the local sunrise and sunset.

Woman sleeping on plane
It's basically impossible to avoid jet lag entirely, but there are tools that can help.

"If you arrive in the middle of the day, don't crawl into your hotel room and just crash out," advises Cunnington, who's a spokesperson for the Australasian Sleep Association. "Because you'll just be in that no man's land – your body won't know where the heck you are."

Another tool is melatonin, nicknamed the vampire hormone because it rises at night to help us drift off to sleep. But be cautious of online advice suggesting you pop a melatonin supplement while travelling – it's generally not available over-the-counter in Australia, where it's not prescribed to treat jet lag.

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Cunnington says smart travel planning can also mitigate jet lag.

"When booking flights, think about, 'What time of the day do I sleep well, what time of the day do I not sleep well? If I book the flights at this time, could I sleep my normal sleep the night before?'" he suggests. If your flight has a long leg and a shorter leg, consider booking the long leg at a time you'd normally be asleep to maximise the chances of sleeping on the plane.

Nowadays there are apps that claim to cure jet lag, usually by sending pre-travel notifications suggesting when you should sleep, eat and consume coffee in order to sync up with a new time zone. Cunnington says these apps do work, if you can find one that's backed by good science. (He cites the University of Michigan's app Entrain.)

Plane travel
There are a few things you can do to sleep better on a plane. (Getty Images/EyeEm)

How to sleep better on a plane

The obvious solution to 'how do I get the best possible sleep on a long flight?' is fly business class! – which isn't exactly affordable or practical for most of us.

For those stuck in cattle class, Cunnington suggests investing in things that enable you to control light exposure and the environment around you. "For me, that's eye shades, noise-cancelling headphones and some snacks," he says. Then I can just sit in my little seat and [be] in my own little world."

Interestingly, Cunnington explains that many airlines are investing in jet lag management research that helps passengers adjust to long-haul flights (thereby adding value to their airfares): adjusting lighting levels in planes and lounges, serving particular meals at particular times, and so on.

Why is jet lag worse flying east-to-west than west-to-east?

Ever noticed that jet lag hits harder flying east from Australia to the United States than flying west to Asia or Europe? I have – and judging by an unscientific poll of my friends, it's a common phenomenon.

Cunnington says there's a neat biological explanation for it: most people have an internal body clock that naturally runs slightly longer than 24 hours. "They would naturally tend to drift a little bit later each day if they weren't setting the alarm and getting up at the same time each day," he says.

But because flying west essentially lengthens a day, that helps those with longer-running body clocks beat jet lag faster. "[But] if someone's got a shorter-than-24-hour body clock – think of that as extreme, early morning types – they travel a bit easier to the east," says Cunnington.

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