How Australian Ninja Warrior helps 'Twitch' beat Tourette syndrome

By Sam Downing|

'The best natural, temporary cure, hands down'

One of the standouts in the Australian Ninja Warrior heats was James Sayers, a self-described adrenaline junkie and the first person with Tourette syndrome to attempt the course.

Sayers, known as "Twitch" to his mates, says Ninja Warrior appealed to him because any high-pressure pursuit helps him manage the condition.

"I think if my tourettes had a physical form it would be as chicken shit as Scooby Doo," he tells Coach.

"Almost every time I have been in a situation that gets my heart racing and the adrenaline pumping he’s just nowhere to be found — probably waiting back home to stop me from sleeping as per usual."

Tourette Australia describes the condition as a lifelong neurological disorder characterised by rapid, repetitive and involuntary muscle movements and vocalisations called tics.

According to a recent review in the journal European Psychiatry, there isn't a lot of research into how physical activity influences Tourette's — although some studies suggest it can quell tics, a benefit reported by many with the condition, including Sayers.

"[Physical activity is definitely the best natural, temporary cure for Tourette's, hands down," says Sayers, who's also a gymnastics coach.

"While I’m [rock] climbing I am in an open space, a friendly environment and I have a goal to get to the top — it has nothing I dislike and therefore it seems to just put the tourettes on hold," he explains.


Sayers is also the drummer in a metal band, which he says is another important outlet.

"Playing drums at a show with the band is one of my top joys in life — it is my zone, my absolute happy place and from the first hit of the drum to the last smash of the cymbal I will not tic once," he says.

"A lot of friends I’ve met at metal shows didn’t even realize I had Tourette's until I posted an article about it!"

Sayers, who was dragged along to gymnastics when he was 12 and fell in love with it when he realised he didn't have to wear a leotard, says it lent him vital Ninja Warrior skills.

"The two main [gymnatics] skills that came in handy on the course … are my balance and the ability to control and create a big swing," says Sayers, who fine-tuned his upper body, core and grip strength in the gym to prep for Ninja.

"You can be as strong as you want but if you can’t swing you’re going to get wet."


Sayers tells Coach that one of the big misconceptions about Tourette syndrome is that its characteristic tics are entirely involuntary.

"Imagine you get a scratch on your leg — you don’t have to scratch it but the longer you wait the worse it gets, so you would generally scratch it right away," he says.

"A tic is like a scratch in your brain except the way to scratch it could be throwing your arms up or yelling out 'bitch!'"

He says many people with Tourette's — himself included — believe it's "hilarious".

"It’s just hard for the people who are self-conscious about it to determine if people are laughing with them or at them," he says. "In my case I tend to laugh at myself. It’s almost like having a comedian by my side!"

Twitch returns to the Ninja course in the second semifinal on Monday, July 22. Australian Ninja Warrior airs on Nine on Sundays and continues on Monday and Tuesday nights.

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