Dietitian reveals how many calories it takes to lose weight

By Susie Burrell|

Calories are tricky. At times, we have been told to count them; at others to forget them; apparently, we need fewer as we get older but then we need more at some times of the month than others.

Is it any wonder we are confused? When it comes to weight loss, the reality is that having some understanding of calorie intake is important.

So, if you are still not clear on the way calories work when it comes to weight loss, here is the easy way to determine how many calories you need if your goal is to drop a few on the scale. 

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Dietitian Susie Burrell shares how many calories you should be intaking if you are looking to lose weight. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

What are calories?

Put most simply, calories are a unit of measurement. In food terms, the calorie content of the food refers to the energy that will be produced by consuming it, while in terms of the body, the muscles and brain utilise calories as energy.

Every single person will have a different number of calories they burn each, and every day depending on their age, gender, amount of muscle mass and how much activity they do.

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How many calories do we need?

When a reference is made to recommended calorie intake, it is simply a rough guide of how many calories, on average a person if a particular age, gender and size requires.

For example, a small female of average height and weight, aged between 40-60 will roughly require a minimum of 1200 calories.

Then, if we take into account the extra calories required for moderate activity or exercise, you would then add 200-500 for weight maintenance, depending on how intense and how long the exercise session is.

How to achieve weight loss

Whilst any calorie deficit will technically induce weight loss, ie consuming fewer calories than we have expended, small deficits may translate into just a few grams of weight difference.

Rather, for significant losses of > ½ kg or a noticeable difference on the scales, that will require significant, consistent calorie deficit of 300-500 calories.

For a female who routinely consumes 2000-2500 calories, this means diets that offer 1500-2000 calories should result in weight loss, but as you can also see, this is a wide range with plenty of room for error.

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Woman counting calories on app and eating a salad
The average recommended calorie intake differs depending on age, gender and size. (iStock)

How many calories for weight loss?

Unless you are extremely inactive, chances are you will need at least 1200, if not 1400 calories a day for weight loss.

If you also exercise for an hour or more each day, adding an extra 200-300 calories to your daily intake will still create a solid deficit.

If you do not achieve a loss of at least 1/2 a kilo a week this way, you may want to double check your calorie intake, or make sure you are moving enough as well as exercising with an elevated heart rate regularly.

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More is not better

According to the calorie deficit theory, you might assume that slashing your calories even lower, say to as low as 500, or 800 or 1000 calories would in turn result in greater deficits and faster weight loss.

Unfortunately, the human body is a little more complicated than that. As the body requires a minimum number of calories to basically keep the organs and brain running, cutting calories too far below this minimal requirement will result in a reduction in metabolic rate as the body protects itself from starvation, and the rate of weight loss will be slowed.

This is how much exercise you need to do every week
Excessive exercise can mean you don't consistently lose weight. (iStock)

More exercise is not always better either

This scenario may to evolve if there is too great a discrepancy between calories in and calories out.

For example, those who may eat a tightly controlled calorie intake and continue to expend large amounts of energy exercising, anecdotally discrepancies >600-800 calories may be too great to see consistent losses on the scales.

What about the 500 and 800 calorie diets?

There are diets that constantly do the rounds that may be as low as 500 or 800 calories, and whilst they may result in weight loss initially, long term they are not only difficult to maintain, but can reduce metabolic rate over time, which is why they work once or twice before most if not all the weight lost is regained, and becomes increasingly more difficult to lose.

Remember it is always better to burn the weight off, rather than starve it off by losing muscle mass courtesy of extreme calorie restriction.

Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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