Dietitian Susie Burrell shares advice on how to enjoy a mindful Easter

By Susie Burrell|

Put your hands up if you are counting down until the Easter holidays?

A busy start to the year has left many of us feeling in urgent need of a few days off but the downside from a health perspective is that it can be challenging to keep our diets balanced when there is so much chocolate around.

The good news is that with a few simple steps it is easy to maintain a mindful balance between enjoy the treats of the season, whilst not completely undoing any health goals you might be chasing this Easter.

1) Save the treats until it is actually Easter

While hot cross buns and chocolate eggs have been available in supermarkets since January, the key to enjoying your Easter foods minus any guilt or overeating is to wait until it is actually Easter before indulging. If you enjoy your favourite Easter egg or bunny on Easter Sunday, and a delicious, fresh hot cross bun across the Easter weekend you can take the time to savour and mindfully consume these special foods, rather than give yourself permission to overeat them on a daily basis simply because they are available.

Classic hot cross buns
Hot cross buns have been available since December and January. (Supplied)

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2) Cut back on your snacks

Inevitably a holiday period means a lot more eating and celebrating with family and friends. There is nothing wrong with enjoying more indulgent meals but likely if you are eating more you do not need to snack in between meals. When there are large volumes of extra food around it can be easy to mindlessly munch on extras like dip, chips, mini chocolate eggs and platter food that is constantly on offer, which ultimately results in thousands of extra calories being consumed. Instead, focusing on enjoying three balanced meals each day, which contain a good amount of lean protein and salad or vegetables will help to keep your overall calorie intake under control throughout the holidays.

3) Keep treats out of sight

The greatest predictor of discretionary food consumption is availability, which means if you have mountains of chocolate sitting around within easy reach you will eat it, no matter how high in self-control you think you are. This also means that one of the most powerful ways you can help to control your intake, is to keep the chocolate treats out of sight. Pack them into an opaque container, so that when you open the fridge or pantry, they are unlikely to catch your eye. Then, when you do want to enjoy an egg or two, you can do so mindfully, at the right time of day, rather than munching on a lot extra, because you grab it each and every time the chocolate eggs catch your eye.

This hack will get rid of odour in your fridge.
Make things less accessible to limit overeating. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

4) Take the opportunity to move more

A series of public holidays coupled with school holidays means that many of us will be taking an extended Easter break, and while the thought of a holiday historically see you move less and relax more, holiday days are the perfect opportunity to factor in a lot more activity away from the limitations of the work and school day. This means that exercise on a daily basis is non-negotiable, and ideally exercise plus plenty of walking will help to buffer the extra Easter calories you are likely to consume.

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5) When it is over, it is over

Easter is a 4 day celebration, and while there is nothing wrong with indulging on these special holiday days, continuing to indulge on Easter treats for the entire month of April is where many of us go wrong. If you are serious about your commitment to a healthy diet, or even weight loss, this means the extra chocolate needs to go as soon as Easter is over. Give it away; cook with it or at least pack it away so you can enjoy it in moderation rather than getting into the habit of a nightly binge of 500 plus extra calories, or that in just a small handful of mini chocolate eggs.

Author Susie Burrell is a leading Australian dietitian and nutritionist, founder of Shape Me, co-host of The Nutrition Couch podcast and prominent media spokesperson, with regular appearances in both print and television media commenting on all areas of diet, weight loss and nutrition.

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