Champion jockey Rachel King shares her day on a plate

By Carina Rossi|

Star jockey Rachel King is making waves in racing. Through her trailblazing success in the world of elite racing she continues to prove it's possible for women to reach new heights in a highly male-dominated sport.

Having completed her jockey apprenticeship with renowned racehorse trainer Gai Waterhouse, she lined up for her first professional race in 2016 and in a few short years landed in the history books — becoming the first female jockey to ride in the world's richest turf race, The Everest.

One of the most in-demand jockeys in Sydney, Rachel will be riding on Converge in The Star Doncaster Mile on Saturday, April 2, at Day 1 of The Star Championships at Royal Randwick Racecourse. We spoke to Rachel ahead of the big race for her honest take on how she fuels her body for race day, and if 'making weight' is as hard as it sounds.

Enjoy Rachel King's day on a plate...

Rachel King gets candid with 9Honey Coach. (Australian Turf Club)

READ MORE: Ian Thorpe's day on a plate


I am lucky that I'm able to normally eat three meals a day. Breakfast is normally something like avocado on toast or some cereal. If I want something lighter I'll have a wholemeal English muffin with either Vegemite or peanut butter. Poached or boiled eggs are always a good option too. 


Lunch depends on whether I am at home for the day or going to the races. If I'm at home I like to have something like a chicken salad or wrap and some kind of fruit or yoghurt. 

"I grew to love this because Gai Waterhouse used to bring bags of nuts into trackwork when I first worked for her!"


Dinner is generally something pretty quick and easy, as I'm not one for spending a long time cooking and normally I don't have much spare time. I really like seafood, so that's always a favourite and regular on the menu. I would eat some kind of red meat once or twice a week also. Dinner is normally accompanied by salad or vegetables without dressing. 


Dessert, this is where I probably make most other jockeys a bit envious as I can always have dessert if I want to! I'm a sucker for chocolate, so anything chocolatey. 


Fruit and nuts are a very handy snack. I grew to love this because Gai Waterhouse used to bring bags of nuts into trackwork when I first worked for her! It was always a great snack mid-morning. I'll always have some fresh fruit in the house and yoghurt pouches, I find, are a very handy snack too. 

From a young age it was clear Rachel King was born to be an elite jockey. (Australian Turf Club)

On race day, what changes do you make to your day on a plate? 

I am quite lucky that I don't ever have to skip a meal to make a light weight, so I don't have to vary my diet too much come race day. The only thing that normally changes is lunch, as that is while I'm at the races. I try not to eat too much too close to a race as it's the same with any kind of high-performance sport — you don't want to feel full or bloated when race riding. 

When training, how do you like to fuel your body? 

During training I can eat and drink like a normal athlete, so that means plenty of electrolytes. 

How does your diet vary during your racing off-season? 

We don't really have an off season, so I guess this is more for when I get the chance to have a holiday. I actually don't eat as much if I'm not riding or on holiday, just because I'm less active, therefore I'm generally less hungry. 

Are there any practices you need to follow to make weight for race day? 

Basically, no! This is why most other jockeys envy me! If I am riding around 50kg, which is probably only two to three times a year, I will have a lighter breakfast but apart from that I don't have to change my diet at all. I'm blessed with a fast metabolism and small body structure, I guess, so am largely consistent throughout.

Rachel King riding racehorse Monegal to the win at the Epona Stakes in March 2022. (Australian Turf Club)

How do you like to exercise in the lead up to race day? 

I normally ride track work on Saturday morning, so that's a great warm-up for me on a Saturday race day where I need to be an my optimum.

I have two border collies, Amber and Aria. They are the best companions and exercise buddies. Walking them every day ensures I get out and do some decent exercise regularly. If I haven't gone to trackwork on a race day morning, then going for a good walk or run along the coastal tracks with my dogs is a great way to start the day. 

JAMES MCDONALD: How an elite jockey trains and eats before a championship race may surprise you

Any health, mindfulness techniques you adopt as a jockey? 

I've probably learnt to stay relaxed but focused on a race day, which I think comes from experience. I love the big days and there is nothing better than riding in the best races against the best jockeys. And a good horse! 

I always like to go through race replays after a race day to analyse my performance, but I think it's equally important to come home and be able to switch off — no matter what industry you work in. [My dogs] are also great to come home to. If I've had a bad day at work, coming home to these smiling dogs makes it all better. They are the best distraction and I adore them like family. 

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