Beginners guide to running with Peloton instructor Jon Hosking

By Kristine Tarbert |

If you've ever been scared to take up running because you haven't really been sure where to start then this advice is for you.

Because before you even get to building any kind of speed or stamina, it's all about getting the basics of your form right, according to Peloton instructor Jon Hosking.

To celebrate the launch of the Peloton Tread in Australia this week, Hosking, who teaches walking, hiking, and running classes from London, has shared his top tips for newbie (or returning) runners with 9Honey Coach.

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jon hosking peloton instructor fitness trainer
Jon Hosking teaches Peloton walking, hiking, and running classes from London. (Supplied)

Find your stride

The first thing he says you want to really knuckle down is understanding your stride pattern.

"So many people think that when you start running, you need to get up on your toes as quickly as you can. But that's really bad for your carves. It's not great for your hamstrings either," Hosking tells us.

"I advise people who are just starting in their running journey to look at how their stride works when you first accelerate out of your power walk into your jog, and let that be a really good indicator about how you're going to construct your form.

So many people think that when you start running, you need to get up on your toes as quickly as you can.

"Everyone's going to look different, everyone's got a unique stride on them. But those first steps are really going to help you dictate where your mid-foot falls, where your heel falls, and how your stride looks.

"That's the kind of the building block to which you can then just add a little bit of speed and slowly increase that stride rate when we build up a little bit of cardiovascular fitness."

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jon hosking peloton instructor fitness trainer
The first thing you want to really knuckle down is understanding your stride pattern. (Supplied)

Posture is key

Aside from working out your stride pattern, your posture is also very important during a run.

"The best thing I can actually say is don't ever look down at your feet. It's not great to be looking down, as that will impact your posture," Hosking says, pointing out that it can be a key to injury prevention.

"We've got so much repetition going on there in that running motion.

"You want to engage through the core, be nice and relaxed through the shoulders, keep the chin up, keep your hips underneath, and make sure that hip rotation is correct. And then after that everything will work in sync from there."

Build your stamina

Then it's about slowly and steadily building your stamina, something Hosking is all too familiar with, despite his current fitness capabilities, having fought back from a major operation last year.

"I had a pre-existing knee injury that I'd had long before joining Peloton, from playing football. It had caused me a little bit of aggravation, but then I was really mindful of it affecting me and my progress on the platform," he says.

jon hosking peloton instructor fitness trainer
Hosking fought back from a knee operation last year and was still teaching classes. (Instagram/@jon_hosking)

So in February 2022, he had an operation on his knee and wasn't able to walk for five days.

"And then I started walking. I started taking walking classes on Peloton, actually instructing classes for two months. I didn't do any running classes, and I built my strength back up on the tread with the community day by day," he says.

"We didn't tell anyone, we just kept it completely seamless. We just made sure that the content was coming back. But that enabled me to really feel that process of starting with a walk, building into a power walk, finding myself in a little jog, and working my way back into running."

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People running exercise couple beach jogging
Running is as much about mental training as it is physical. (Getty)

Of course, if you're still thinking 'there is no way I can run for five minutes straight', Hosking stresses it's as much mental training as it is physical.

"You've got to find that balance with listening to your body, and also just telling your body to keep pushing. It's breaking through those small barriers, every time we step on, if you set yourself that goal, endurance builds up over time," he says.

"Sometimes with members they reach out and they say 'three minutes into that run phase I had to stop. And I felt terrible. I felt gutted.'

"But I always stress that doesn't undo those three minutes that you did do. You built up to that time and you haven't undone that work. We just go again another day, and the next day we might be able to do three minutes and 10 seconds, the next day you might be able to three minutes and 20 seconds. And then before you know it you might not even recognise that you've done it, and you're running a six-minute phase."

jon hosking peloton instructor fitness trainer
Hosking says consistency is about finding what you love and having a goal. (Instagram/@jon_hosking)

Three tips for consistency

1. Have a goal

"Set yourself a goal, because if you're working towards something, your mind channels in that direction, and you'll be able to find your route to get there, whatever it looks like, and that keeps you accountable."

2. Try everything

"The next thing I would say, with relation to Peloton, would be to try all of the instructors and work your way around, to see who works for you. But when you find your instructor, the magic thing about Peloton is there will always be content for you. When you log back in, your favourite instructor will have another class and we can go again. And I think that that's what keeps us going."

3. Have a community

"I found that when people commit themselves to being involved in groups with Peloton, it just keeps them accountable, keeps them consistent, when they know they're going to see familiar faces on the leader board."

READ MORE: Six ways to power up a walking workout

What you need to know about the Peloton Tread

The high-anticipated Peloton Tread will be available for purchase in Australia from this Thursday, February 16, 2023.

Like the Peloton Bike and Bike+, the Peloton Tread offers thousands of live and on demand instructor-led classes on and off the hardware, combined with the latest playlists and top hits from artists they love, and connection to the global Peloton community.

the peloton tread arrives in Australia Feb 16 2023
Peloton Tread will be available for purchase in Australia from this Thursday, February 16, 2023. (Supplied/Peloton)

At 173cm (L) x 84cm (W) footprint, the tread takes up less space than your average treadmill and it's adjustable knobs are unique and aim to create a frictionless experience so you can change or increase speed with ease.

It also has auto-incline, similar to the auto-resistance feature on the Peloton Bike+, which automatically adjusts the incline based on instructor cues, to provide a smoother, more seamless training experience.

"It's so inclusive, it's so diverse with regards to the offering, you can be someone that just about gets by walking a few kilometres, and it's there for you, the content is there for you. Plus the mindfulness from the instructor is there with you, and you will help you grow in your process," Hosking says.

The Peloton Tread will be available for $4,445 including delivery and set-up, plus $59 per month for the All-Access subscription for new Members to experience Peloton content. The team have also curated a series of Aussie Vibes live and on demand Peloton Tread classes for new #PelotonAustralia Members to experience.

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