Shocking number of people that fail at 'basic fitness', new study

By Kristine Tarbert |

While most of us know doing any form of exercise is good for us, a new UK study has revealed that only one in three people struggle to do the basics.

The new research by PureGym highlighted a worrying lack of fitness, with half of those surveyed admitting they struggle to get up from the sofa, as well as struggling with other day-to-day tasks, such as walking uphill, and basic physical exercise.

Working with Certified Personal Trainer Phil Carpenter to create a set of benchmarks that outline an ideal basic level of fitness applicable to people of all ages and genders, more than 2,000 people were involved in the study.

Analysing seven basic exercises (tricep dips, push ups, squats, slow squats, deep squats, a 2.4 kilometre run and a toe touch), the results reveal many fall short of these 'base level' benchmarks, with day to day movement affected as a result.

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Only 27 per cent of participants could perform a single squat. (iStock)

Across each of the exercises, one in three are unable to complete any of them, with running proving the most difficult. Nearly four in 10 people (38 per cent) stated they would be unable to complete the run, regardless of how much time they had to do so.

It's a similar story when it comes to strength, as a third (34 per cent) of people are unable to complete a single tricep dip, with 5.63 being the average number of reps completed. Meanwhile, a quarter (27 per cent) were unable to complete a single squat, with the average person only able to complete 9.58 squat reps before failure.

"The average person who works in an office spends most of their time sat or laid down. We wake up after a night of lying down, sit down to eat breakfast, drive to work, get a lift to the right floor, and sit at a desk until 5pm, often with lunches spent at our desks. Even for those who exercise after work, a large portion of the evening will still be spent sat down," Carpenter said.

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Nearly four in 10 people (38 per cent) stated they would be unable to complete the run. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

"By the time the weekend comes around, the average person is exhausted, and with a long list of chores like cleaning, food shopping to do, as well as simply recovering from the working week, getting to the gym can seem impossible.

"Sedentary lifestyles have a huge impact on our mobility. When we do not use our muscles in the intended way, we lose range of motion and strength. Sitting down all day can cause tight hamstrings, weak hip flexors and glutes, weak upper back muscles, poor posture, and more."

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In addition to looking at the key exercises we should all be able to complete, PureGym also analysed how challenging certain day-to-day activities can be for some people as a result of this lack of 'basic' fitness.

In addition to the 50 per cent of us that struggle to get up from a chair or sofa, more than half (55 per cent) said that they get out of breath when walking up a flight of stairs.

Worryingly, it's those aged 16-24 who find climbing stairs the most difficult, with nearly three-quarters (74 per cent) admitting to struggling with this, in comparison to just 46 per cent of those aged over 55.

The study also revealed 69 per cent of people cite 'poor flexibility' as being a struggle in their daily lives. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

The study also revealed 69 per cent of people cite 'poor flexibility' as being a struggle in their daily lives, while 68 per cent struggle with stiff or tight muscles. This is confirmed in the study's toe touch tests, with four in 10 (44 per cent) unable to successfully touch their toes.

"Mobility is our bodies' secret superhero, one that we don't realise is there until we begin to lose it as we age. Having good mobility and flexibility allows us to move through a bigger range of motion, with less risk of injury," Carpenter said.

"Yoga, tai chi, and pilates are great ways to improve mobility and flexibility, but even something as simple as getting up, moving, and stretching everyone 1-2 hours that you are inactive, will make a difference."

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