How do you encourage people to move more?
It's not just an idle question. A third of Australians don't meet the physical activity targets prescribed for optimum health, and the potential consequences are dire: weight gain, increased risk of chronic disease, a poorer quality of life as you age.
Encouraging more movement is a challenge at the heart of the Apple Watch, the world's top-selling gizmo of its kind — which lists fitness as one of its key capabilities.
"Our mantra in [Apple's] fitness team is get the world to move more, sit less and get some exercise," says Jay Blahnik, the tech giant's senior director of fitness for health technologies.
Apple recently unveiled the fourth iteration of its Watch, and it's an incredible piece of hardware: the screen is 30 percent larger and noticeably less boxy than previous models, and its newly updated operating system is bundled with new workouts and refinements to existing ones. Elite athletes and exercise fanatics will love it, and the enhanced data it provides.
But designing a fitness tracker for the very active is, in a sense, pretty straightforward — they already want to be active, so you just need to help them measure that activity.
Designing a fitness tracker for the less active, for people who don't like exercising, is much more challenging — and it's more challenging still to design a tracker that caters to them and their more active peers.
One of the Apple Watch's solutions to these challenges are its Activity rings. I've previously described these as one of the watch's most ingenious features, because they're such an elegant snapshot of how you're moving.
There are three rings: Move, Exercise and Stand. Move logs how much energy (calories or kilojoules) you've used via everyday activity. You can adjust this target depending on how active you are.
"Exercise" is a bit of a misnomer, if you define exercise as scheduled workout time in a gym: the Exercise ring actually captures how much time you spend doing any "brisk" or moderate-intensity physical activity, with a target of 30 minutes per day (which is in line with global health recommendations).
The Stand ring shows how many hours you've stood for at least one minute, with a daily target of 12 hours. If my Watch detects I've been sitting for an hour, it'll tap me to get up a move for a bit. This is helpful at the office, where it's perilously easy to lose track of how long I've been chained to my desk.
(Sidenote, because this is a common hold-up: No, the Stand ring doesn't mean you have to stand 12 whole hours a day. It means you have to stand for just one minute within 12 hours a day. You can be seated for 59 minutes, walk to the kitchen for a glass of water for a minute, and still earn a credit for that hour. Got it?)
Each day, your goal is to meet all three targets and close your rings. Simple. The Watch will reward you with a cheerful notification and a badge when you do it — and yet more badges if you keep doing it, day after day.
The Activity rings have been a centrepiece of the Apple Watch since its first incarnation in 2015, and Blahnik says they were initially designed to appeal to less active users — but have been just as popular with even the most active.
"We found it cuts across all barriers," he tells Coach. "Very elite people who work out every morning, they're still obsessed with closing their rings."
If you wanted. you could use the Activity rings every day without ever having to see a number affixed to them — a concession to those "low performance" wearers who might be discouraged by hard targets, or uninterested in tallying calories or minutes spent exercising.
"Metrics can be off-putting for a certain group of people ... Whereas when you close a ring you can feel successful," Blahnik says.
"Part of the reason we built the rings the way we did was [to] make it about reaching goals and not about hitting numbers. Numbers, while they can be motivating for some, can be demotivating for others."
I think motivation itself is an overrated fitness concept — in my experience, very active people aren't necessarily any more motivated to be active, they just have stronger routines and habits to get active.
And it's an interesting concept when applied to the Apple Watch, because I suspect a lot of people buy one hoping it will motivate them to exercise. But of course it can't — no fitness tracker can. If you don't want to get off your butt, a nagging wristpiece isn't going to convince you.
But Blahnik believes trying to build a device that motivates you to be more physically active is looking at the problem from the wrong end.
"Behaviour change is this constant balance between 'How motivated am I to do something?' and 'How hard is it?'" he says. "'Do I want to?' versus 'Is it tricky?'"
For the less active, the Apple Watch isn't aimed at increasing motivation to hit a physical activity target, but rather, reducing the difficulty of hitting that target.
"The rings are a great example of that," Blahnik says. "Many people don't say they want to exercise. But when you help them understand they can earn it one minute at a time without changing their shoes or dedicating an hour to gym or without having to feel pain … you've made the thing they say they don't want to do easier. Then you start to see behaviour change, because the thing that was hard is now easy."
It says a lot that the Exercise ring tracks any movement at a high enough intensity, not just workouts. You could never set foot in a gym and still close that ring every day — just by taking the stairs or parking the car a little further away.
I recently took a rest day from the gym on a "lazy" Sunday, but still closed all my Activity rings by tidying the house and grocery shopping and going for a stroll across the neighbourhood with my friends (we went for ice-cream) — things I'd never track as workouts in my Apple Watch.
I think helping people who say they don't like exercise understand that relatively modest amounts of everyday movement will contribute to their health (and then tracking and rewarding that movement) can potentially encourage them to do more of it.
Blahnik agrees: "Measurement can be motivational," he says.
"We [at Apple] almost always think first about how can we make [measuring physical activity] easier, then add motivation to that," he says. "Not start with the very difficult task of saying 'How do we get the whole world to talk about exercise?' That's a tough one.
"But what we can do is say, 'You're exercising and you don't know it. We're going to make it easier for you to see what you're already doing... and then motivate you to do a little bit more.'
"That feels easier to tackle."