If you're ditching cow's milk, soy is the most nutritious alternative

By Sam Downing|

Food experts rounded up the pros and cons of the different plant milks. This is their verdict.

Long live soy milk: it's been crowned the best substitute for cow's milk in a new reiew examining the pros and cons of the major plant-based alternatives.

McGill University researchers declared cow's milk to be the most nutritious milk overall, because of its unbeatable combo of fat, carbohydrates and protein, and its other health benefits.

But many people (up to 75 percent of some populations) lack the enzymes necessary to digest cow's milk, leading to side-effects that can politely be described as "unpleasant".

The paper, published in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, investigated the nutrition profiles of soy, rice, coconut and almond milks (based on cup-sized servings of unsweetened, commercially available products).

These milks have conquered entire supermarket aisles as demand for non-dairy milks has risen, but the McGill team says not a lot of research has been done into their health pros and cons over the short or long term.

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Soy milk: pros and cons

After cow's milk, soy was deemed to have the "most balanced" nutritional profile of all the dairy alternatives, according to a McGill press release.

Unlike other plant milks, which have only gone mainstream in recent years, soy has been used for decades and its health benefits are widely known — particularly its isoflavones, a phytonutrient (translation: helpful plant chemical) believed to hold anti-carnicogenic properties.

The downsides of soy are its "beany" flavour (which is fair criticism — if you switch from, say, a regular flat white to a soy flat white, it takes a while to adjust to the beaniness) and its "antinutrients", compounds that can reduce nutrient absorption.

RELATED: The final word on soy

Rice milk: pros and cons

While rice milk has a pleasantly sweet taste, it's low on nutrition (particularly protein and calcium) — meaning you could fall victim to a nutrient deficiency if you don't make up the shortfall elsewhere in your diet.

However, rice milk is free of lactose, the sugar in cow's milk that causes those unpleasant digestive problems for so many people; and it's a suitable substitute for those allergic or intolerant to soybeans and almonds.

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Coconut milk: pros and cons

Widely consumed in Asia and South America, coconut milk has exploded in popularity in recent years alongside coconut water and oil (the latter of which doesn't really deserve its superfood reputation).

According to the McGill team, consuming coconut milk can reduce levels of low-density lipoproteins — aka bad cholesterol. On the downside, most of its calories come from fat (while considerably higher in saturated "bad" fat than other plant milks, it's low in saturated fat overall).

RELATED: The great coconut debate: Is its oil, milk and water really that good for you?

Almond milk: pros and cons

Almond milk was singled out in the view for its high content of monounsaturated fat, a type of "good" fat linked to weight loss and lowered levels of bad cholesterol.

But though it's low in calories and super trendy, almond milk lacks nutrients such as calcium — so if you substitute it for dairy, you need to ensure you're getting those nutrients from other foods.

The McGill team noted that more research needs to be done into how processing methods impact plant milks' nutritional profile (the almond content of almond milk varies widely between brands, for example).

RELATED: Almond milk: sure, it’s good for you — but it’s not a nutritional wonder potion

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